A library that can print Python objects in human readable format



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A library that can print Python objects in human readable format


pip install objprint



Use op() (or objprint()) to print objects.

from objprint import op

class Position:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

class Player:
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "Alice"
        self.age = 18
        self.items = ["axe", "armor"]
        self.coins = {"gold": 1, "silver": 33, "bronze": 57}
        self.position = Position(3, 5)

<Player 0x7fe44e1e3070
  .age = 18,
  .coins = {'bronze': 57, 'gold': 1, 'silver': 33},
  .items = ['axe', 'armor'],
  .name = 'Alice',
  .position = <Position
    .x = 3,
    .y = 5

You can print multiple objects just like print, except op will print them in separate lines

op([1, 2], {'a': 1})
[1, 2]
{'a': 1}


If you want to use print() to print your object, you can also use the class decorator add_objprint to add __str__ method for your class.

from objprint import add_objprint

class Position:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

class Player:
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "Alice"
        self.age = 18
        self.items = ["axe", "armor"]
        self.coins = {"gold": 1, "silver": 33, "bronze": 57}
        self.position = Position(3, 5)

# This will print the same thing as above


If you want the str representation of the object, instead of printing it on the screen, you can use objstr function

from objprint import objstr

s = objstr(my_object)


objprint supports print objects to json to make it easier to serialze an object.

objjson returns a jsonifiable object that can be dumped with json.dumps

from objprint import objjson

json_obj = objjson(Player())

print(json.dumps(json_obj, indent=2))
  ".type": "Player",
  "name": "Alice",
  "age": 18,
  "items": [
  "coins": {
    "gold": 1,
    "silver": 33,
    "bronze": 57
  "position": {
    ".type": "Position",
    "x": 3,
    "y": 5

You can use op to print in json format directly with format="json". You can pass in argument for json.dumps

op(Player(), format="json", indent=2)

add_objprint also works with format="json"

@add_objprint(format="json", indent=2)
class Player:

include/exclude attributes

You can include/exclude attributes using regular expression so objprint will only print out the attributes you are interested in.

op(Player(), include=["name"])
  .name = 'Alice'
op(Player(), exclude=[".*s"])
<Player 0x7fe44e1e3070
  .name = 'Alice',
  .age = 18,
  .position = <Position
    .x = 3,
    .y = 5

If you specify both include and exclude, it will do a inclusive check first, then filter out the attributes that match exclusive check.

include and exclude arguments work on objprint, objstr and @add_objprint.


objprint formats the output based on some configs

  • config_name(default_value) - this config's explanation
  • depth(100) - how deep objprint goes into nested data structures
  • indent(2) - the indentation
  • width(80) - the maximum width a data structure will be presented as a single line
  • elements(-1) - the maximum number of elements that will be displayed, -1 means no restriction
  • color(True) - whether to use colored scheme
  • skip_recursion(True) - whether skip printing recursive data, which would cause infinite recursion without depth constraint
  • honor_existing(True) - whether to use the existing user defined __repr__ or __str__ method

You can set the configs globally using config function

from objprint import config


Or you can do a one time config by passing the arguments into objprint function

from objprint import op

op(var, indent=4)


Maybe you don't want to import op in every single file that you want to use. You can use install to make it globally accessible

from objprint import install

# Now you can use op() in any file

# You can specify a name for objprint()


Please send bug reports and feature requests through github issue tracker.


Copyright Tian Gao, 2020-2021.

Distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

  • 在面对继承自pydantic里BaseModel的实例时无法得到预期的输出



    from pydantic import BaseModel
    from objprint import op
    class pyt_class(BaseModel):
        x: int
        y: int
    obj_test = pyt_class(x=0, y=1)


    x=0 y=1
    x=0 y=1

    希望后续更新能够支持! (B站码农高天的视频我是期期都看,期期都三连)

    opened by Sclock 3
  • Also print the actual expression whose value is being printed

    Also print the actual expression whose value is being printed

    The https://github.com/gruns/icecream lib has an useful feature where it also prints the expression. Please see the following example:

    d = {'key': {1: 'one'}}
    class klass():
        attr = 'yep'

    It prints:

    ic| d['key'][1]: 'one'
    ic| klass.attr: 'yep'

    As you can see icecream lib also prints the expression d['key'][1]. Is it possible to add this feature? This is the only feature holding me back from switching to objprint.

    opened by riyadparvez 3
  • Duplicate output when op() argument wasn't an object.

    Duplicate output when op() argument wasn't an object.

    import hashlib op(hashlib) <module 'hashlib' from 'C:\Users\guojoan\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\hashlib.py'> <module 'hashlib' from 'C:\Users\guojoan\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\hashlib.py'>

    a = [] a.append(a) op(a) [[ ... ]] [[...]]

    and so on

    opened by CokeStudios 2
  • type 类创建问题

    type 类创建问题

    通过type 构建的 class 通过 op 正确打印,这个feature 能否实现?

    from objprint import op
    class Action:
    def Category(label):
        return type("MCategory", (Action,), {"label": label,
                                            "__type__": "category"})
    class ECategory(Action):
        def __init__(self,label):
            self.label = label
            self.__type__ = 'category'
    mm = Category('test')
    nn = ECategory('test')
    >> <class '__main__.MCategory'>
    >> <UCategory 0x1f2da7b2b00
    >>   .label = 'test'
    >> >
    opened by wuqingjing2010 2
  • 如何实现“增量”打印?



    for i in range(i_max):


    opened by Saltsmart 2
  • weird escaped characters in jupyter notebook's output

    weird escaped characters in jupyter notebook's output

    I used pyreadstat module to read a simple SAS file. the code goes like this in jupyter notebook

    import pyreadstat as pyrs
    from objprint import op
    sas_path = './test_sas/foo.sas7bdat'
    df, meta = pyrs.read_sas7bdat(sas_path, metadataonly=True)
    # just wanted to check out what meta contains 

    the brief output of current cell seems normal

    Output exceeds the [size limit]. Open the full output data[ in a text editor]
    <metadata_container 0x1bcf4bfa3e0
      .column_labels = [
        'project': '$'
      .variable_value_labels = {}
    <pyreadstat._readstat_parser.metadata_container at 0x1bcf4bfa3e0>

    but after I clicked "in a text editor", the first lines look like this:

    <metadata_container 0x1bcf4bfa3e0
      .column_labels = [

    the weird characters actually look like small suqares contains 3 small letters ESC in the text editor.

    opened by Asuralf 2
  • 在面对Enum对象时,输出的结果不符合预期。



    from enum import Enum
    from objprint import op,add_objprint
    class temp_a(Enum):
        a = 1
    class temp_b(Enum):
        b = 1


     <enum 'temp_a'> 
    <enum 'temp_a'>
     <enum 'temp_b'>
     <temp_b 0x24a740c2ee0
      .__objclass__ = <enum 'temp_b'>,
      ._name_ = 'b',
      ._value_ = 1
    <enum 'temp_b'>
    <temp_b 0x24a740c2ee0
      .__objclass__ = <enum 'temp_b'>,
      ._name_ = 'b',
      ._value_ = 1


    class temp_a(Enum):
        a = 1


     <temp_a 0xFFFFFFFF
      .__objclass__ = <enum 'temp_a'>,
      .temp_a.a = < xxxxxxx
          ._name_ = 'b',
          ._value_ = 1
    opened by Sclock 2
  • 大佬,objprint可以打印出函数的内容吗?类似于js中console.log()方法。


    //JavaScript function ad(a, b) {

    return a + b;



    //输出 // function ad(a, b) { // // return a + b; // }

    //python def ad(a,b): return a+b print(ad)


    <function ad at 0x000002511B318550>

    opened by xuxiaobo-bobo 1
  • Change the output order of line number and arg name

    Change the output order of line number and arg name

    For the following example:

    from objprint import config, install, objjson, op
    x = 1

    This is the output right now:

    <module> (/path/to/objprint-test.py:7)

    What I think more intuitive is argument name followed by the value and the file and line number at the top. In this particular case:

    <module> (/path/to/objprint-test.py:7)

    Any thoughts?

    opened by riyadparvez 1
  • question: how to use install()

    question: how to use install()

    I created two python file to play with the install() feature:


    from objprint import op, install
    # Now you can use op() in any file



    But run the temp2.py, it throws error : NameError: name 'op' is not defined What is the correct usage of install() ? Thanks !

    opened by wwdok 1
  • 在打印链表的时候结构不是很清晰



    <Node 0x18136a4bd30
      .next = <Node 0x18136a4b3d0
        .next = <Node 0x18136dd5750
          .next = <Node 0x18136dd5930
            .next = <Node 0x18136dd5810
              .next = <Node 0x18136dd5870
                .next = None,
                .value = 'node_5'
              .value = 'node_4'
            .value = 'node_3'
          .value = 'node_2'
        .value = 'node_1'
      .value = 'Head'


    <Node 0x18136a4bd30
        .next = <Node 0x18136a4b3d0
                .next = <Node 0x18136dd5750
                        .next = <Node 0x18136dd5930
                                    .next = <Node 0x18136dd5810
                                            .next = <Node 0x18136dd5870
                                                    .next = None,
                                                    .value = 'node_5'
                                            .value = 'node_4'
                                    .value = 'node_3'
                        .value = 'node_2'
                .value = 'node_1'
         .value = 'Head'


    <Node 0x18136a4bd30 ->  .next = <Node 0x18136a4b3d0 ->  .next = <Node 0x18136dd5750 ->  .next = <Node 0x18136dd5930 ->  .next = <Node 0x18136dd5810 ->  .next = <Node 0x18136dd5870 ->  .next = None,
                                                                                                                                                                                            .value = 'node_5'
                                                                                                                                                            .value = 'node_4'
                                                                                                                            .value = 'node_3'
                                                                                            .value = 'node_2'
                                                            .value = 'node_1'
                            .value = 'Head'


    opened by Sclock 1
  • pydantic.BaseModel 对象无法正确打印

    pydantic.BaseModel 对象无法正确打印

    我在使用 pydantic + objprint,打印对象使用了 #52 中的方法,但程序在 op 处阻塞住。

    from objprint import op
    from pydantic import BaseModel
    class A(BaseModel):
        a: int
    obj = A(a=1)
    op(obj, honor_existing=False)
    opened by Eric-fuyc 2
  • Detect repl for returning objects

    Detect repl for returning objects

    Now op() returns the object it prints to make calling chain possible. But in repl, that will print two instances. We should fix that for a better user experience.

    opened by gaogaotiantian 0
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