This package proposes simplified exporting pytorch models to ONNX and TensorRT, and also gives some base interface for model inference.


PyTorch Infer Utils

This package proposes simplified exporting pytorch models to ONNX and TensorRT, and also gives some base interface for model inference.

To install

git clone
pip install /path/to/pytorch_infer_utils/

Export PyTorch model to ONNX

  • Check model for denormal weights to achieve better performance. Use load_weights_rounded_model func to load model with weights rounding:
    from pytorch_infer_utils import load_weights_rounded_model
    model = ModelClass()
  • Use ONNXExporter.torch2onnx method to export pytorch model to ONNX:
    from pytorch_infer_utils import ONNXExporter
    model = ModelClass()
        torch.load("/path/to/model_state_dict", map_location=map_location)
    exporter = ONNXExporter()
    input_shapes = [-1, 3, 224, 224] # -1 means that is dynamic shape
    exporter.torch2onnx(model, "/path/to/model.onnx", input_shapes)
  • Use ONNXExporter.optimize_onnx method to optimize ONNX via onnxoptimizer:
    from pytorch_infer_utils import ONNXExporter
    exporter = ONNXExporter()
    exporter.optimize_onnx("/path/to/model.onnx", "/path/to/optimized_model.onnx")
  • Use ONNXExporter.optimize_onnx_sim method to optimize ONNX via onnx-simplifier. Be careful with onnx-simplifier not to lose dynamic shapes.
    from pytorch_infer_utils import ONNXExporter
    exporter = ONNXExporter()
    exporter.optimize_onnx_sim("/path/to/model.onnx", "/path/to/optimized_model.onnx")
  • Also, a method combined the above methods is available ONNXExporter.torch2optimized_onnx:
    from pytorch_infer_utils import ONNXExporter
    model = ModelClass()
        torch.load("/path/to/model_state_dict", map_location=map_location)
    exporter = ONNXExporter()
    input_shapes = [-1, 3, -1, -1] # -1 means that is dynamic shape
    exporter.torch2optimized_onnx(model, "/path/to/model.onnx", input_shapes)
  • Other params that can be used in class initialization:
    • default_shapes: default shapes if dimension is dynamic, default = [1, 3, 224, 224]
    • onnx_export_params:
      • export_params: store the trained parameter weights inside the model file, default = True
      • do_constant_folding: whether to execute constant folding for optimization, default = True
      • input_names: the model's input names, default = ["input"]
      • output_names: the model's output names, default = ["output"]
      • opset_version: the ONNX version to export the model to, default = 11
    • onnx_optimize_params:
      • fixed_point: use fixed point, default = False
      • passes: optimization passes, default = [ "eliminate_deadend", "eliminate_duplicate_initializer", "eliminate_identity", "eliminate_if_with_const_cond", "eliminate_nop_cast", "eliminate_nop_dropout", "eliminate_nop_flatten", "eliminate_nop_monotone_argmax", "eliminate_nop_pad", "eliminate_nop_transpose", "eliminate_unused_initializer", "extract_constant_to_initializer", "fuse_add_bias_into_conv", "fuse_bn_into_conv", "fuse_consecutive_concats", "fuse_consecutive_log_softmax", "fuse_consecutive_reduce_unsqueeze", "fuse_consecutive_squeezes", "fuse_consecutive_transposes", "fuse_matmul_add_bias_into_gemm", "fuse_pad_into_conv", "fuse_transpose_into_gemm", "lift_lexical_references", "nop" ]

Export ONNX to TensorRT

  • Check TensorRT health via check_tensorrt_health func
  • Use TRTEngineBuilder.build_engine method to export ONNX to TensorRT:
    from pytorch_infer_utils import TRTEngineBuilder
    exporter = TRTEngineBuilder()
    # get engine by itself
    engine = exporter.build_engine("/path/to/model.onnx")
    # or save engine to /path/to/model.trt
    exporter.build_engine("/path/to/model.onnx", engine_path="/path/to/model.trt")
  • fp16_mode is available:
    from pytorch_infer_utils import TRTEngineBuilder
    exporter = TRTEngineBuilder()
    engine = exporter.build_engine("/path/to/model.onnx", fp16_mode=True)
  • int8_mode is available. It requires calibration_set of images as List[Any], load_image_func - func to correctly read and process images, max_image_shape - max image size as [C, H, W] to allocate correct size of memory:
    from pytorch_infer_utils import TRTEngineBuilder
    exporter = TRTEngineBuilder()
    engine = exporter.build_engine(
  • Also, additional params for builder config builder.create_builder_config can be put to kwargs.
  • Other params that can be used in class initialization:
    • opt_shape_dict: optimal shapes, default = {'input': [[1, 3, 224, 224], [1, 3, 224, 224], [1, 3, 224, 224]]}
    • max_workspace_size: max workspace size, default = [1, 30]
    • stream_batch_size: batch size for forward network during transferring to int8, default = 100
    • cache_file: int8_mode cache filename, default = "model.trt.int8calibration"

Inference via onnxruntime on CPU and onnx_tensort on GPU

  • Base class ONNXWrapper __init__ has the structure as below:
    def __init__(
        onnx_path: str,
        gpu_device_id: Optional[int] = None,
        intra_op_num_threads: Optional[int] = 0,
        inter_op_num_threads: Optional[int] = 0,
    ) -> None:
        :param onnx_path: onnx-file path, required
        :param gpu_device_id: gpu device id to use, default = 0
        :param intra_op_num_threads: ort_session_options.intra_op_num_threads,
            to let onnxruntime choose by itself is required 0, default = 0
        :param inter_op_num_threads: ort_session_options.inter_op_num_threads,
            to let onnxruntime choose by itself is required 0, default = 0
        :type onnx_path: str
        :type gpu_device_id: int
        :type intra_op_num_threads: int
        :type inter_op_num_threads: int
        if gpu_device_id is None:
            import onnxruntime
            self.is_using_tensorrt = False
            ort_session_options = onnxruntime.SessionOptions()
            ort_session_options.intra_op_num_threads = intra_op_num_threads
            ort_session_options.inter_op_num_threads = inter_op_num_threads
            self.ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(
                onnx_path, ort_session_options
            import onnx
            import onnx_tensorrt.backend as backend
            self.is_using_tensorrt = True
            model_proto = onnx.load(onnx_path)
            for gr_input in model_proto.graph.input:
                gr_input.type.tensor_type.shape.dim[0].dim_value = 1
            self.engine = backend.prepare(
                model_proto, device=f"CUDA:{gpu_device_id}"
  • method assumes the use of such a structure:
    img = self._process_img_(img)
    if self.is_using_tensorrt:
        preds =
        ort_inputs = {self.ort_session.get_inputs()[0].name: img}
        preds =, ort_inputs)
    preds = self._process_preds_(preds)

Inference via onnxruntime on CPU and TensorRT on GPU

  • Base class TRTWrapper __init__ has the structure as below:
    def __init__(
        onnx_path: Optional[str] = None,
        trt_path: Optional[str] = None,
        gpu_device_id: Optional[int] = None,
        intra_op_num_threads: Optional[int] = 0,
        inter_op_num_threads: Optional[int] = 0,
        fp16_mode: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        :param onnx_path: onnx-file path, default = None
        :param trt_path: onnx-file path, default = None
        :param gpu_device_id: gpu device id to use, default = 0
        :param intra_op_num_threads: ort_session_options.intra_op_num_threads,
            to let onnxruntime choose by itself is required 0, default = 0
        :param inter_op_num_threads: ort_session_options.inter_op_num_threads,
            to let onnxruntime choose by itself is required 0, default = 0
        :param fp16_mode: use fp16_mode if class initializes only with
            onnx_path on GPU, default = False
        :type onnx_path: str
        :type trt_path: str
        :type gpu_device_id: int
        :type intra_op_num_threads: int
        :type inter_op_num_threads: int
        :type fp16_mode: bool
        if gpu_device_id is None:
            import onnxruntime
            self.is_using_tensorrt = False
            ort_session_options = onnxruntime.SessionOptions()
            ort_session_options.intra_op_num_threads = intra_op_num_threads
            ort_session_options.inter_op_num_threads = inter_op_num_threads
            self.ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(
                onnx_path, ort_session_options
            self.is_using_tensorrt = True
            if trt_path is None:
                builder = TRTEngineBuilder()
                trt_path = builder.build_engine(onnx_path, fp16_mode=fp16_mode)
            self.trt_session = TRTRunWrapper(trt_path)
  • method assumes the use of such a structure:
    img = self._process_img_(img)
    if self.is_using_tensorrt:
        preds =
        ort_inputs = {self.ort_session.get_inputs()[0].name: img}
        preds =, ort_inputs)
    preds = self._process_preds_(preds)



  • TensorRT installing guide is here
  • Required CUDA-Runtime, CUDA-ToolKit
  • Also, required additional python packages not included to setup.cfg (it depends upon CUDA environment version):
    • pycuda
    • nvidia-tensorrt
    • nvidia-pyindex


  • onnx_tensorrt requires cuda-runtime and tensorrt.
  • To install:
    git clone --depth 1 --branch 21.02
    cd onnx-tensorrt
    cp -r onnx_tensorrt /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages
    cd ..
    rm -rf onnx-tensorrt
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