An example of python package


An example of python package

Why use packages?

It is a good practice to not code the same function twice, and to reuse common code from one python script to the other.

To import the function some_function defined in, you can do:

from some_file import some_function

but this only works if you run your code in the same folder as If you want to make some_function accessible from anywhere on your computer, you should not use

import sys

because when you share your code with other people, this breaks most of the time.

Instead, you should create a python package containing the code you need. The following shows how to do it.

Package structure

This repository contains a basic python package, named my_package. Its structure is as follows:

example_package   (the main directory/folder)
├── my_package  (code folder, must have the name of the module)
│   └──   (a special Python file, is executed whenever you import my_package)
|   └──   (a regular Python file in which you define functions, variables, classes, etc)
├──  (this special file must be executed to install the package)
└──   (contains what you are currently reading)

The mandatory files, which must have exactly this name, are and my_package/ On the other hand, note that:

  • could have an arbitrary other name
  • is not necessary for a package, and is used here to give information to the people browsing the Github repository

Package installation

Once you have the files defined above, you should open a terminal, move to where the file is (using the cd command), then execute pip install -e .

After that, from any location on your computer you can open an ipython terminal and run:

import my_package
from my_package import my_function
# etc, just like when you do: from pandas import read_csv

How does it work?

Running pip install -e . tells python to remember where it should look when you refer to my_pakage in some code. Whenever you run import my_package, it will go to this location, and run the Inside the, you have imported or defined some variables (functions, classes, constants, etc), that are now usable in your main script.

More advanced


When you do:

from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso

you are using the submodule linear_model of sklearn. When you codebase grows, splitting it into submodules is nice to keep your code organized (for example, all code related to Linear Models go into the linear_model submodule; preprocessing go into sklearn.preprocessing, etc).

in simple terms, a submodule is a package defined inside a package (meaning it also has its own `, using this folder structure:

├── my_package
    └── my_submodule

usually, the file import variables defined in other files inside the my_submodule folder (not shown here for simplicity).

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