Global Filter Networks for Image Classification


Global Filter Networks for Image Classification

Created by Yongming Rao, Wenliang Zhao, Zheng Zhu, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou

This repository contains PyTorch implementation for GFNet.

Global Filter Networks is a transformer-style architecture that learns long-term spatial dependencies in the frequency domain with log-linear complexity. Our architecture replaces the self-attention layer in vision transformers with three key operations: a 2D discrete Fourier transform, an element-wise multiplication between frequency-domain features and learnable global filters, and a 2D inverse Fourier transform.


Our code is based on pytorch-image-models and DeiT.

[Project Page] [arXiv]

Global Filter Layer

GFNet is a conceptually simple yet computationally efficient architecture, which consists of several stacking Global Filter Layers and Feedforward Networks (FFN). The Global Filter Layer mixes tokens with log-linear complexity benefiting from the highly efficient Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. The layer is easy to implement:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.fft

class GlobalFilter(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, dim, h=14, w=8):
        self.complex_weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(h, w, dim, 2, dtype=torch.float32) * 0.02)
        self.w = w
        self.h = h

    def forward(self, x):
        B, H, W, C = x.shape
        x = torch.fft.rfft2(x, dim=(1, 2), norm='ortho')
        weight = torch.view_as_complex(self.complex_weight)
        x = x * weight
        x = torch.fft.irfft2(x, s=(H, W), dim=(1, 2), norm='ortho')
        return x

Compared to self-attention and spatial MLP, our Global Filter Layer is much more efficient to process high-resolution feature maps:


Model Zoo

We provide our GFNet models pretrained on ImageNet:

name arch Params FLOPs [email protected] [email protected] url
GFNet-Ti gfnet-ti 7M 1.3G 74.6 92.2 Tsinghua Cloud / Google Drive
GFNet-XS gfnet-xs 16M 2.8G 78.6 94.2 Tsinghua Cloud / Google Drive
GFNet-S gfnet-s 25M 4.5G 80.0 94.9 Tsinghua Cloud / Google Drive
GFNet-B gfnet-b 43M 7.9G 80.7 95.1 Tsinghua Cloud / Google Drive
GFNet-H-Ti gfnet-h-ti 15M 2.0G 80.1 95.1 Tsinghua Cloud / Google Drive
GFNet-H-S gfnet-h-s 32M 4.5G 81.5 95.6 Tsinghua Cloud / Google Drive
GFNet-H-B gfnet-h-b 54M 8.4G 82.9 96.2 Tsinghua Cloud / Google Drive



  • torch>=1.8.1
  • torchvision
  • timm

Data preparation: download and extract ImageNet images from The directory structure should be

│  ├── n01440764
│  │   ├── n01440764_10026.JPEG
│  │   ├── n01440764_10027.JPEG
│  │   ├── ......
│  ├── ......
│  ├── n01440764
│  │   ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00000293.JPEG
│  │   ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00002138.JPEG
│  │   ├── ......
│  ├── ......


To evaluate a pre-trained GFNet model on the ImageNet validation set with a single GPU, run:

python --data-path /path/to/ILSVRC2012/ --arch arch_name --path /path/to/model



To train GFNet models on ImageNet from scratch, run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env  --output_dir logs/gfnet-xs --arch gfnet-xs --batch-size 128 --data-path /path/to/ILSVRC2012/

To finetune a pre-trained model at higher resolution, run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env  --output_dir logs/gfnet-xs-img384 --arch gfnet-xs --input-size 384 --batch-size 64 --data-path /path/to/ILSVRC2012/ --lr 5e-6 --weight-decay 1e-8 --min-lr 5e-6 --epochs 30 --finetune /path/to/model

Transfer Learning Datasets

To finetune a pre-trained model on a transfer learning dataset, run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env  --output_dir logs/gfnet-xs-cars --arch gfnet-xs --batch-size 64 --data-set CARS --data-path /path/to/stanford_cars --epochs 1000 --dist-eval --lr 0.0001 --weight-decay 1e-4 --clip-grad 1 --warmup-epochs 5 --finetune /path/to/model 


MIT License


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Global Filter Networks for Image Classification},
  author={Rao, Yongming and Zhao, Wenliang and Zhu, Zheng and Lu, Jiwen and Zhou, Jie},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.00645},
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