Wikipedia-Utils: Preprocessing Wikipedia Texts for NLP


Wikipedia-Utils: Preprocessing Wikipedia Texts for NLP

This repository maintains some utility scripts for retrieving and preprocessing Wikipedia text for natural language processing (NLP) research.

Note: The scripts have been created for and tested with the Japanese version of Wikipedia only.

Preprocessed files

Some of the preprocessed files generated by this repo's scripts can be downloaded from the Releases page.

All the preprocessed files are distributed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GFDL licenses. For more information, see the License section below.

Example usage of the scripts

Get Wikipedia page ids from a Cirrussearch dump file

This script extracts the page ids and revision ids of all pages from a Wikipedia Cirrussearch dump file (available from this site.) It also adds the following information to each item based on the information in the dump file:

  • "num_inlinks": the number of incoming links to the page.
  • "is_disambiguation_page": whether the page is a disambiguation page.
  • "is_sexual_page": whether the page is labeled containing sexual contents.
  • "is_violent_page": whether the page is labeled containing violent contents.
$ python \
--cirrus_file ~/data/wikipedia/cirrussearch/20211129/jawiki-20211129-cirrussearch-content.json.gz \
--output_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-ids-jawiki-20211129.json

# If you want the output file sorted by the page id:
$ cat ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-ids-jawiki-20211129.json|jq -s -c 'sort_by(.pageid)[]' > ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-ids-jawiki-20211129-sorted.json
$ mv ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-ids-jawiki-20211129-sorted.json ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-ids-jawiki-20211129.json

The script outputs a JSON Lines file containing following items, one item per line:

    "title": "アンパサンド",
    "pageid": 5,
    "revid": 85364431,
    "num_inlinks": 231,
    "is_disambiguation_page": false,
    "is_sexual_page": false,
    "is_violent_page": false

Get Wikipedia page HTMLs

This script fetches HTML contents of the Wikipedia pages specified by the page ids in the input file. It makes use of Wikimedia REST API to accsess the contents of Wikipedia pages.

Important: Be sure to check the terms and conditions of the API documented in the official page. Especially, you may not send more than 200 requests/sec to the API. You should also set your contact information (e.g., email address) in the User-Agent header so that Wikimedia can contact you quickly if necessary.

# It takes about 2 days to fetch all the articles in Japanese Wikipedia
$ python \
--page_ids_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-ids-jawiki-20211129.json \
--output_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-htmls-jawiki-20211129.json.gz \
--language ja \
--user_agent <your_contact_information> \
--batch_size 20 \

# If you want the output file sorted by the page id:
$ zcat ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-htmls-jawiki-20211129.json.gz|jq -s -c 'sort_by(.pageid)[]'|gzip > ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-htmls-jawiki-20211129-sorted.json.gz
$ mv ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-htmls-jawiki-20211129-sorted.json.gz ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-htmls-jawiki-20211129.json.gz

# Splitting the file for distribution
$ gunzip ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-htmls-jawiki-20211129.json.gz
$ split -n l/5 --numeric-suffixes=1 --additional-suffix=.json ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-htmls-jawiki-20211129.json ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-htmls-jawiki-20211129.
$ gzip ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-htmls-jawiki-20211129.*.json
$ gzip ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-htmls-jawiki-20211129.json

The script outputs a gzipped JSON Lines file containing following items, one item per line:

  "title": "アンパサンド",
  "pageid": 5,
  "revid": 85364431,
  "url": "",
  "html": "

Extract paragraphs from the Wikipedia page HTMLs

This script extracts paragraph texts from a Wikipedia page HTMLs file generated by You can specify the minimum and maximum length of the paragraph texts to be extracted.

# This produces 8,921,367 paragraphs
$ python \
--page_htmls_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-htmls-jawiki-20211129.json.gz \
--output_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/paragraphs-jawiki-20211129.json.gz \
--min_paragraph_length 10 \
--max_paragraph_length 1000

Make a plain text corpus of Wikipedia paragraph/page texts

This script produces a plain text corpus file from a paragraphs file generated by You can optionally filter out disambiguation/sexual/violent pages from the output file by specifying the corresponding command line options.

Here we use mecab-ipadic-NEologd in splitting texts into sentences so that some sort of named entities will not be split into sentences.

The output file is a gzipped text file containing one sentence per line, with the pages separated by blank lines.

# 22,651,544 lines from all pages
$ python \
--paragraphs_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/paragraphs-jawiki-20211129.json.gz \
--output_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/corpus-jawiki-20211129.txt.gz \
--mecab_option '-d /usr/local/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic-neologd-v0.0.7' \
--min_sentence_length 10 \
--max_sentence_length 1000

# 18,721,087 lines from filtered pages
$ python \
--paragraphs_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/paragraphs-jawiki-20211129.json.gz \
--output_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/corpus-jawiki-20211129-filtered-large.txt.gz \
--page_ids_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-ids-jawiki-20211129.json \
--mecab_option '-d /usr/local/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic-neologd-v0.0.7' \
--min_sentence_length 10 \
--max_sentence_length 1000 \
--min_inlinks 10 \

This script produces a plain text corpus file by simply taking the text attributes of pages from a Wikipedia Cirrussearch dump file.

The resulting corpus file will be somewhat different from the one generated by due to some differences in text processing. In addition, since the text attributes in the Cirrussearch dump file does not retain the page structure, it is less flexible to modify the processing of text compared to processing an HTML file with

$ python \
--cirrus_file ~/data/wikipedia/cirrussearch/20211129/jawiki-20211129-cirrussearch-content.json.gz \
--output_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/corpus-jawiki-20211129-cirrus.txt.gz \
--min_inlinks 10 \
--exclude_sexual_pages \
--mecab_option '-d /usr/local/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic-neologd-v0.0.7'

Make a passages file from extracted paragraphs

This script takes a paragraphs file generated by and splits the paragraph texts into a collection of pieces of texts called passages (sections/paragraphs/sentences).

It is useful for creating texts of a reasonable length that can be handled by passage-retrieval systems such as DPR.

# Make single passage from one paragraph
# 8,672,661 passages
$ python \
--paragraphs_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/paragraphs-jawiki-20211129.json.gz \
--output_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/passages-para-jawiki-20211129.json.gz \
--passage_unit paragraph \
--passage_boundary section \
--max_passage_length 400

# Make single passage from consecutive sentences within a section
# 5,170,346 passages
$ python \
--paragraphs_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/paragraphs-jawiki-20211129.json.gz \
--output_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/passages-c400-jawiki-20211129.json.gz \
--passage_unit sentence \
--passage_boundary section \
--max_passage_length 400 \

Build Elasticsearch indices of Wikipedia passages/pages


  • Elasticsearch 6.x with several plugins installed
# For running
$ ./bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-kuromoji

# For running (Elasticsearch 6.5.4 is needed)
$ ./bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-icu
$ ./bin/elasticsearch-plugin install

This script builds an Elasticsearch index of passages generated by make_passages_from_paragraphs.

$ python \
--passages_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/passages-para-jawiki-20211129.json.gz \
--page_ids_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-ids-jawiki-20211129.json \
--index_name jawiki-20211129-para

$ python \
--passages_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/passages-c400-jawiki-20211129.json.gz \
--page_ids_file ~/work/wikipedia-utils/20211129/page-ids-jawiki-20211129.json \
--index_name jawiki-20211129-c400

This script builds an Elasticsearch index of Wikipedia pages using a Cirrussearch dump file. Cirrussearch dump files are originally for Elasticsearch bulk indexing, so this script simply takes the page information from the dump file to build an index.

$ python \
--cirrus_file ~/data/wikipedia/cirrussearch/20211129/jawiki-20211129-cirrussearch-content.json.gz \
--index_name jawiki-20211129-cirrus \
--language ja


The content of Wikipedia, which can be obtained with the codes in this repository, is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GFDL licenses.

The codes in this repository are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

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