TLA - Twitter Linguistic Analysis

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TLA - Twitter Linguistic Analysis

Tool for linguistic analysis of communities

TLA is built using PyTorch, Transformers and several other State-of-the-Art machine learning techniques and it aims to expedite and structure the cumbersome process of collecting, labeling, and analyzing data from Twitter for a corpus of languages while providing detailed labeled datasets for all the languages. The analysis provided by TLA will also go a long way in understanding the sentiments of different linguistic communities and come up with new and innovative solutions for their problems based on the analysis. List of languages our library provides support for are listed as follows:

Language Code Language Code
English en Hindi hi
Swedish sv Thai th
Dutch nl Japanese ja
Turkish tr Urdu ur
Indonesian id Portuguese pt
French fr Chinese zn-ch
Spanish es Persian fa
Romainain ro Russian ru


  • Provides 16 labeled Datasets for different languages for analysis.
  • Implements Bert based architecture to identify languages.
  • Provides Functionalities to Extract,process and label tweets from twitter.
  • Provides a Random Forest classifier to implement sentiment analysis on any string.

Installation :

pip install --upgrade


Extract data
from TLA.Data.get_data import store_data

This will extract and store the unlabeled data in a new directory inside data named datasets.

Label data
from TLA.Datasets.get_lang_data import language_data
df = language_data('en')

This will print the labeled data that we have already collected.

Classify languages

Training can be done in the following way:

from TLA.Lang_Classify.train import train_lang

Inference is done in the following way:

from TLA.Lang_Classify.predict import predict
model = get_model(path_to_weights)
preds = predict(dataframe_to_be_used,model)

Training can be done in the following way:

from TLA.Analyse.train_rf import train_rf

This will store all the vectorizers and models in a seperate directory named saved_rf and saved_vec and they are present inside Analysis directory. Further instructions for training multiple languages is given in the next section which shows how to run the commands using CLI

Final Analysis

Analysis is done in the following way:

from TLA.Analysis.analyse import analyse_data 

This will store the final analysis as .csv inside a new directory named analysis.

Overview with Git

Installation another method
git clone
Extract data Navigate to the required directory
cd Data

Run the following command:

python --lang en --process True

Lang flag is used to input the language of the dataset that is required and process flag shows where pre-processing should be done before returning the data. Give the following codes in the lang flag wrt the required language:

Loading Dataset

To load a dataset run the following command in python.

df= pd.read_csv("TLA/TLA/Datasets/get_data_en.csv")

The command will return a dataframe consisting of the data for the specific language requested.

In the phrase get_data_en, en can be sunstituted by the desired language code to load the dataframe for the specific language.


To preprocess a given string run the following command.

In your terminal use code

cd Data

then run the command in python

from TLA.Data import Pre_Process_Tweets


Here the function pre_process_tweet takes an input as a dataframe of tweets and returns an output of a dataframe with the list of preprocessed words for a particular tweet next to the tweet in the dataframe.

Analysis Training To train a random forest classifier for the purpose of sentiment analysis run the following command in your terminal.
cd Analysis


python train.rf --path "path to your datafile" --train_all_datasets False

here the --path flag represents the path to the required dataset you want to train the Random Forest Classifier on the --train_all_datasets flag is a boolean which can be used to train the model on multiple datasets at once.

The output is a file with the a .pkl file extention saved in the folder at location "TLA\Analysis\saved_rf{}.pkl" The output for vectorization of is stored in a .pkl file in the directory "TLA\Analysis\saved_vec{}.pkl"

Get Sentiment

To get the sentiment of any string use the following code.

In your terminal type

cd Analysis

then in your terminal type

python --prediction "Your string for prediction to be made upon" --lang "en"

here the --prediction flag collects the string for which you want to get the sentiment for. the --lang represents the language code representing the language you typed your string in.

The output is a sentiment which is either positive or negative depending on your string.


To get a comprehensive statistic on sentiment of datasets run the following command.

In your terminal type

cd Analysis



This will give you an output of a table1.csv file at the location 'TLA\Analysis\analysis\table1.csv' comprising of statistics relating to the percentage of positive or negative tweets for a given language dataset.

It will also give a table2.csv file at 'TLA\Analysis\analysis\table2.csv' comprising of statistics for all languages combined.

Language Classification Training To train a model for language classfication on a given dataset run the following commands.

In your terminal run

cd Lang_Classify

then run

python --data "path for your dataset" --model "path to weights if pretrained" --epochs 4

The --data flag requires the path to your training dataset.

The --model flag requires the path to the model you want to implement

The --epoch flag represents the epochs you want to train your model for.

The output is a file with a .pt extention named where your trained wieghst are stored.

Prediction To make prediction on any given string Us ethe following code.

In your terminal type

cd Lang_Classify

then run the code

python --predict "Text/DataFrame for language to predicted" --weights " Path for the stored weights of your model " 

The --predict flag requires the string you want to get the language for.

The --wieghts flag is the path for the stored wieghts you want to run your model on to make predictions.

The outputs is the language your string was typed in.



Performance of TLA ( Loss vs epochs)

Language Total tweets Positive Tweets Percentage Negative Tweets Percentage
English 500 66.8 33.2
Spanish 500 61.4 38.6
Persian 50 52 48
French 500 53 47
Hindi 500 62 38
Indonesian 500 63.4 36.6
Japanese 500 85.6 14.4
Dutch 500 84.2 15.8
Portuguese 500 61.2 38.8
Romainain 457 85.55 14.44
Russian 213 62.91 37.08
Swedish 420 80.23 19.76
Thai 424 71.46 28.53
Turkish 500 67.8 32.2
Urdu 42 69.04 30.95
Chinese 500 80.6 19.4


     title={TLA: Twitter Linguistic Analysis}, 
     author={Tushar Sarkar and Nishant Rajadhyaksha},
 title = {TLA: Twitter Linguistic Analysis},
 author = {Tushar Sarkar and Nishant Rajadhyaksha},
  journal = {Software Impacts},
 doi = {10.24433/CO.6464530.v1}, 
 howpublished = {\url{}},
 year = 2021,
 month = {6},
 version = {v1}

Features to be added :

  • Access to more language
  • Creating GUI based system for better accesibility
  • Improving performance of the baseline model

Developed by Tushar Sarkar and Nishant Rajadhyaksha

Tushar Sarkar
I love solving problems with data
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