The Official PyTorch Implementation of "LSGM: Score-based Generative Modeling in Latent Space" (NeurIPS 2021)

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The Official PyTorch Implementation of "LSGM: Score-based Generative Modeling in Latent Space" (NeurIPS 2021)

Arash Vahdat*·Karsten Kreis*·Jan Kautz

(*equal contribution)

Project Page

LSGM trains a score-based generative model (a.k.a. a denoising diffusion model) in the latent space of a variational autoencoder. It currently achieves state-of-the-art generative performance on several image datasets.


LSGM is built in Python 3.8 using PyTorch 1.8.0. Please use the following command to install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Optionally, you can also install NVIDIA Apex. When apex is installed, our training scripts use the Adam optimizer from this library, which is faster than Pytorch's native Adam.

Set up file paths and data

This work builds on top of our previous work NVAE. Please follow the instructions in the NVAE repository to prepare your data for training and evaluation. Small datasets such as CIFAR-10, MNIST, and OMNIGLOT do not require any data preparation as they will be downloaded automatically. Below, $DATA_DIR indicates the path to a data directory that will contain all the datasets. $CHECKPOINT_DIR is a directory used for storing checkpoints, and $EXPR_ID is a unique ID for the experiment. $IP_ADDR is the IP address of the machine that will host the process with rank 0 during training (see here). $NODE_RANK is the index of each node among all the nodes that are running the job (setting $IP_ADDR and $NODE_RANK is only required for multi-node training). $FID_STATS_DIR is a directory containing the FID statistics computed on each dataset (see below).

Precomputing feature statistics on each dataset for FID evaluation

You can use the following command to compute FID statistics on the CIFAR-10 dataset as an example:

python scripts/ --data $DATA_DIR/cifar10 --dataset cifar10 --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR

which will save the FID related statistics in a directory under $FID_STATS_DIR. For other datasets, simply change --data and --dataset accordingly.

Training and evaluation

Training LSGM is often done in two stages. In the first stage, we train our VAE backbone assuming that the prior is a standard Normal distribution. In the second stage, we swap the standard Normal prior with a score-based prior and we jointly train both the VAE backbone and the score-based prior in an end-to-end fashion. Please check Appendix G in our paper for implementation details. Below, we provide commands used for both stages. If for any reason your training is stopped, use the exact same commend with the addition of --cont_training to continue training from the last saved checkpoint. If you observe NaN, continuing the training using this flag will usually not fix the NaN issue.


We train 3 different VAEs with the following commands (see Table 7 in the paper).

  • 20 group NVAE with full KL annealing for the "balanced" model (using 8 16GB V100 GPUs):
python --data $DATA_DIR/cifar10 --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/vae1 --dataset cifar10 \
    --num_channels_enc 128 --num_channels_dec 128 --num_postprocess_cells 2 --num_preprocess_cells 2 \
    --num_latent_scales 1 --num_cell_per_cond_enc 2 --num_cell_per_cond_dec 2 --num_preprocess_blocks 1 \
    --num_postprocess_blocks 1 --num_latent_per_group 9 --num_groups_per_scale 20 --epochs 600 --batch_size 32 \
    --weight_decay_norm 1e-2 --num_nf 0 --kl_anneal_portion 0.5 --kl_max_coeff 1.0 --channel_mult 1 2 --seed 1 \
    --arch_instance res_bnswish --num_process_per_node 8 --use_se
  • 20 group NVAE with partial KL annealing for the model with best FID (using 8 16GB V100 GPUs):
python --data $DATA_DIR/cifar10 --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/vae2 --dataset cifar10 \
    --num_channels_enc 128 --num_channels_dec 128 --num_postprocess_cells 2 --num_preprocess_cells 2 \
    --num_latent_scales 1 --num_cell_per_cond_enc 2 --num_cell_per_cond_dec 2 --num_preprocess_blocks 1 \
    --num_postprocess_blocks 1 --num_latent_per_group 9 --num_groups_per_scale 20 --epochs 400 --batch_size 32 \
    --weight_decay_norm 1e-2 --num_nf 0 --kl_anneal_portion 1.0 --kl_max_coeff 0.7 --channel_mult 1 2 --seed 1 \
    --arch_instance res_bnswish --num_process_per_node 8 --use_se
  • 4 group NVAE with partial KL annealing for the model with best NLL (using 4 16GB V100 GPUs):
python --data $DATA_DIR/cifar10 --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/vae3 --dataset cifar10 \
    --num_channels_enc 256 --num_channels_dec 256 --num_postprocess_cells 3 --num_preprocess_cells 3 \
    --num_latent_scales 1 --num_cell_per_cond_enc 3 --num_cell_per_cond_dec 3 --num_preprocess_blocks 1 \
    --num_postprocess_blocks 1 --num_latent_per_group 45 --num_groups_per_scale 4 --epochs 400 --batch_size 64 \
    --weight_decay_norm 1e-2 --num_nf 2 --kl_anneal_portion 1.0 --kl_max_coeff 0.7 --channel_mult 1 2 --seed 1 \
    --arch_instance res_bnswish --num_process_per_node 4 --use_se

With the resulting VAE checkpoints, we can train the three different LSGMs. The models are trained with the following commands on 2 nodes with 8 32GB V100 GPUs each.

  • LSGM (balanced):
mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c 
    'python --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR --data $DATA_DIR/cifar10 --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR \
    --save $EXPR_ID/lsgm1 --vae_checkpoint $EXPR_ID/vae1/ --train_vae --custom_conv_dae --apply_sqrt2_res \
    --fir --dae_arch ncsnpp --embedding_scale 1000 --dataset cifar10 --learning_rate_dae 1e-4 \
    --learning_rate_min_dae 1e-4 --epochs 1875 --dropout 0.2 --batch_size 16 --num_channels_dae 512 --num_scales_dae 3 \
    --num_cell_per_scale_dae 8 --sde_type vpsde --beta_start 0.1 --beta_end 20.0 --sigma2_0 0.0 \
    --weight_decay_norm_dae 1e-2 --weight_decay_norm_vae 1e-2 --time_eps 0.01 --train_ode_eps 1e-6 --eval_ode_eps 1e-6 \
    --train_ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --eval_ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --iw_sample_p drop_all_iw --iw_sample_q reweight_p_samples \
    --arch_instance_dae res_ho_attn --num_process_per_node 8 --use_se --node_rank $NODE_RANK --num_proc_node 2 \
    --master_address $IP_ADDR '
  • LSGM (best FID):
mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c 
    'python --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR --data $DATA_DIR/cifar10 --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR \
    --save $EXPR_ID/lsgm2 --vae_checkpoint $EXPR_ID/vae2/ --train_vae --custom_conv_dae --apply_sqrt2_res \
    --fir --cont_kl_anneal --dae_arch ncsnpp --embedding_scale 1000 --dataset cifar10 --learning_rate_dae 1e-4 \
    --learning_rate_min_dae 1e-4 --epochs 1875 --dropout 0.2 --batch_size 16 --num_channels_dae 512 --num_scales_dae 3 \
    --num_cell_per_scale_dae 8 --sde_type vpsde --beta_start 0.1 --beta_end 20.0 --sigma2_0 0.0 \
    --weight_decay_norm_dae 1e-2 --weight_decay_norm_vae 1e-2 --time_eps 0.01 --train_ode_eps 1e-6 --eval_ode_eps 1e-6 \
    --train_ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --eval_ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --iw_sample_p drop_all_iw --iw_sample_q reweight_p_samples \
    --arch_instance_dae res_ho_attn --num_process_per_node 8 --use_se --node_rank $NODE_RANK --num_proc_node 2 \
    --master_address $IP_ADDR '
  • LSGM (best NLL):
mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c 
    'python --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR --data $DATA_DIR/cifar10 --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR \
    --save $EXPR_ID/lsgm3 --vae_checkpoint $EXPR_ID/vae3/ --train_vae --apply_sqrt2_res --fir \
    --cont_kl_anneal --dae_arch ncsnpp --embedding_scale 1000 --dataset cifar10 --learning_rate_dae 1e-4 \
    --learning_rate_min_dae 1e-4 --epochs 1875 --dropout 0.2 --batch_size 16 --num_channels_dae 512 --num_scales_dae 3 \
    --num_cell_per_scale_dae 8 --sde_type geometric_sde --sigma2_min 3e-5 --sigma2_max 0.999 --sigma2_0 3e-5 \
    --weight_decay_norm_dae 1e-2 --weight_decay_norm_vae 1e-2 --time_eps 0.0 --train_ode_eps 1e-6 --eval_ode_eps 1e-6 \
    --train_ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --eval_ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --iw_sample_p ll_uniform --iw_sample_q reweight_p_samples \
    --arch_instance_dae res_ho_attn --num_process_per_node 8 --use_se --node_rank $NODE_RANK --num_proc_node 2 \
    --master_address \${NGC_MASTER_ADDR} '

The following command can be used to evaluate the negative variational bound on the data log-likelihood as well as the FID score for any of the LSGMs trained on CIFAR-10 (on 2 nodes with 8 32GB V100 GPUs each):

mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c 
    'python --data $DATA_DIR/cifar10 --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/eval --eval_mode evaluate \
    --checkpoint $CHECKPOINT_DIR/EXPR_ID/lsgm/ --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR --num_process_per_node 8 \
    --nll_ode_eval --fid_ode_eval --ode_eps 1e-6 --ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --batch_size 32 --node_rank $NODE_RANK \
    --num_proc_node 2 --master_address \${NGC_MASTER_ADDR} '

We train the NVAE component using the following command on 2 16GB V100 GPUs:

python --data $DATA_DIR/mnist --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/vae --dataset mnist \
      --batch_size 100 --epochs 200 --num_latent_scales 1 --num_groups_per_scale 2 --num_postprocess_cells 3 \
      --num_preprocess_cells 3 --num_cell_per_cond_enc 1 --num_cell_per_cond_dec 1 --num_latent_per_group 20 \
      --num_preprocess_blocks 2 --num_postprocess_blocks 2 --weight_decay_norm 1e-2 --num_channels_enc 64 \
      --num_channels_dec 64 --decoder_dist bin --kl_anneal_portion 1.0 --kl_max_coeff 0.7 --channel_mult 1 2 2 \
      --num_nf 0 --arch_instance res_mbconv --num_process_per_node 2 --use_se

We train LSGM using the following command on 4 16GB V100 GPUs:

python --data $DATA_DIR/mnist --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/lsgm --dataset mnist --epochs 800 \
        --dropout 0.2 --batch_size 32 --num_scales_dae 2 --weight_decay_norm_vae 1e-2 \
        --weight_decay_norm_dae 0. --num_channels_dae 256 --train_vae  --num_cell_per_scale_dae 8 \
        --learning_rate_dae 3e-4 --learning_rate_min_dae 3e-4 --train_ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --cont_kl_anneal  \
        --sde_type vpsde --iw_sample_p ll_iw --num_process_per_node 4 --use_se \
        --vae_checkpoint $CHECKPOINT_DIR/EXPR_ID/vae/  --dae_arch ncsnpp --embedding_scale 1000 \
        --mixing_logit_init -6 --warmup_epochs 20 --drop_inactive_var --skip_final_eval --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR

To evaluate the negative variational bound on the data log-likelihood on 4 16GB V100 GPUs the following command can be used:

python --data $DATA_DIR/mnist --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/eval --eval_mode evaluate \
        --checkpoint $CHECKPOINT_DIR/EXPR_ID/lsgm/ --num_process_per_node 4 --nll_ode_eval \
        --ode_eps 1e-5 --ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --batch_size 128

We train the NVAE component using the following command on 2 16GB V100 GPUs.

python --data $DATA_DIR/omniglot --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/vae --dataset omniglot \
      --batch_size 64 --epochs 200 --num_latent_scales 1 --num_groups_per_scale 3 --num_postprocess_cells 2 \
      --num_preprocess_cells 2 --num_cell_per_cond_enc 3 --num_cell_per_cond_dec 3 --num_latent_per_group 20 \
      --num_preprocess_blocks 1 --num_postprocess_blocks 1 --num_channels_enc 64 --num_channels_dec 64 \
      --weight_decay_norm 1e-2 --decoder_dist bin --kl_anneal_portion 1.0 --kl_max_coeff 1.0 --channel_mult 1 2 \
      --num_nf 0 --arch_instance res_mbconv --num_process_per_node 2 --use_se

We train LSGM using the following command on 4 16GB V100 GPUs.

python --data $DATA_DIR/omniglot --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/lsgm --dataset omniglot --epochs 1500 \
        --dropout 0.2 --batch_size 32 --num_channels_dae 256 --num_scales_dae 3 --weight_decay_norm_vae 1e-2 \
        --weight_decay_norm_dae 1e-3 --train_vae  --num_cell_per_scale_dae 8 --learning_rate_dae 3e-4 \
        --learning_rate_min_dae 3e-4 --train_ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --cont_kl_anneal  --sde_type vpsde \
        --iw_sample_p ll_iw --num_process_per_node 4 --use_se \
        --vae_checkpoint $EXPR_ID/vae/  --dae_arch ncsnpp --embedding_scale 1000 --mixing_logit_init -6 \
        --warmup_epochs 20 --drop_inactive_var --skip_final_eval --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR

To evaluate the negative variational bound on the data log-likelihood on 4 16GB V100 GPUs the following command can be used:

python --data $DATA_DIR/omniglot --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/eval --eval_mode evaluate \
        --checkpoint $CHECKPOINT_DIR/EXPR_ID/lsgm/ --num_process_per_node 4 --nll_ode_eval \
        --ode_eps 1e-5 --ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --batch_size 128
CelebA-HQ-256 Quantitative Model

We train the NVAE component using the following command on 2 nodes, each with 8 32GB V100 GPUs:

mpirun --allow-run-as-root  -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c \
    'python --data $DATA_DIR/celeba/celeba-lmdb --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/vae --dataset celeba_256 \
    --num_channels_enc 64 --num_channels_dec 64 --epochs 200 --num_postprocess_cells 2 --num_preprocess_cells 2 \
    --num_latent_per_group 20 --num_cell_per_cond_enc 2 --num_cell_per_cond_dec 2 --num_preprocess_blocks 1 \
    --num_postprocess_blocks 1 --weight_decay_norm 3e-2 --num_latent_scales 3 --num_groups_per_scale 8 --num_nf 2 \
    --batch_size 4 --kl_anneal_portion 1. --kl_max_coeff 1. --channel_mult 1 1 2 4 --num_x_bits 5 --decoder_dist dml \
    --progressive_input_vae input_skip --arch_instance res_mbconv --num_process_per_node 8 --use_se \
    --node_rank $NODE_RANK --num_proc_node 2 --master_address $IP_ADDR '

We train the LSGM using the following command on 2 nodes, each with 8 32GB V100 GPUs:

mpirun --allow-run-as-root  -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c \
    'python --data $DATA_DIR/celeba/celeba-lmdb --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/lsgm --dataset celeba_256 \
    --epochs 1000 --dropout 0.2 --num_channels_dae 256 --num_scales_dae 4 --train_vae  --weight_decay_norm_vae 1e-1 \
    --weight_decay_norm_dae 1e-2 --fir  --num_cell_per_scale_dae 8 --learning_rate_dae 1e-4 --learning_rate_min_dae 1e-4 \
    --batch_size 4 --sde_type vpsde --iw_sample_p drop_sigma2t_iw --iw_sample_q ll_iw --disjoint_training \
    --num_process_per_node 8 --use_se --vae_checkpoint $EXPR_ID/vae/  --dae_arch ncsnpp \
    --embedding_scale 1000 --mixing_logit_init -6 --warmup_epochs 20 --drop_inactive_var --skip_final_eval \
    --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR --node_rank $NODE_RANK --num_proc_node 2 --master_address $IP_ADDR '

To evaluate the negative variational bound on the data log-likelihood, we use the following command on similarly 2 nodes:

mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c \
    'python  --data $DATA_DIR/celeba/celeba-lmdb --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/eval_nll \
     --checkpoint $CHECKPOINT_DIR/EXPR_ID/lsgm/ --num_process_per_node 8 --eval_mode evaluate \
     --nll_ode_eval --ode_eps 1e-5 --ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --batch_size 64 \
     --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR --node_rank $NODE_RANK --num_proc_node 2 --master_address $IP_ADDR '

And, to evaluate the FID score, we use the following command on similarly 2 nodes:

mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c \
    'python  --data $DATA_DIR/celeba/celeba-lmdb --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/eval_fid \
     --checkpoint $CHECKPOINT_DIR/EXPR_ID/lsgm/ --num_process_per_node 8 --eval_mode evaluate \
     --fid_ode_eval --ode_eps 1e-5 --ode_solver_tol 1e-2 --batch_size 64 --vae_train_mode \
     --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR --node_rank $NODE_RANK --num_proc_node 2 --master_address $IP_ADDR '

Note that for the FID evaluation on this model, we observed that --ode_solver_tol 1e-5 gives a slightly worse FID score with much slower sampling speed (see Fig. 4 in the paper).

CelebA-HQ-256 Qualitative Model

We trained the qualitative model on the CelebA-HQ-256 dataset in 3 stages. In the first stage, we only trained the NVAE component, and in the second stage, we trained an LSGM (i.e., both the NVAE backbone and the SGM prior jointly) with the geometric VPSDE for likelihood weighting, similar to our other models. However, in the third stage, we discarded the SGM prior model and re-trained a new SGM prior with the reweighted objective. In this stage, we only trained the SGM prior and left the NVAE component fixed from the second stage.

We train the NVAE component using the following command on 2 nodes, each with 8 32GB V100 GPUs:

mpirun --allow-run-as-root  -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c \
    'python --data $DATA_DIR/celeba/celeba-lmdb --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/vae --dataset celeba_256 \
    --num_channels_enc 64 --num_channels_dec 64 --epochs 200 --num_postprocess_cells 2 --num_preprocess_cells 2 \
    --num_latent_per_group 20 --num_cell_per_cond_enc 2 --num_cell_per_cond_dec 2 --num_preprocess_blocks 1 \
    --num_postprocess_blocks 1 --weight_decay_norm 3e-2 --num_latent_scales 2 --num_groups_per_scale 10 --num_nf 2 \
    --batch_size 4 --kl_anneal_portion 1. --kl_max_coeff 1. --channel_mult 1 1 2 --num_x_bits 5 --decoder_dist dml \
    --progressive_input_vae input_skip --arch_instance res_mbconv --num_process_per_node 8 --use_se \
    --node_rank $NODE_RANK --num_proc_node 2 --master_address $IP_ADDR '

We train LSGM (both VAE and SGM prior jointly) in the second stage using the following command on 2 nodes, each with 8 32GB V100 GPUs:

mpirun --allow-run-as-root  -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c \
    'python --data $DATA_DIR/celeba/celeba-lmdb --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/lsgm --dataset celeba_256 \
     --epochs 1000 --dropout 0.2 --num_channels_dae 256 --num_scales_dae 5 --train_vae  --weight_decay_norm_vae 1e-1 \
     --weight_decay_norm_dae 1e-2 --fir  --num_cell_per_scale_dae 8 --learning_rate_dae 1e-4 --learning_rate_min_dae 1e-4 \
     --learning_rate_vae 8e-5 --batch_size 4 --sde_type geometric_sde --time_eps 0. --sigma2_0 3e-5 --sigma2_min 3e-5 \
     --sigma2_max 0.999 --iw_sample_p drop_sigma2t_iw --iw_sample_q ll_iw --disjoint_training  --update_q_ema  \
     --cont_kl_anneal --num_process_per_node 8 --use_se --vae_checkpoint $EXPR_ID/vae/ --dae_arch ncsnpp \
     --embedding_scale 1000 --mixing_logit_init -6 --warmup_epochs 20 --drop_inactive_var --skip_final_eval \
     --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR --node_rank $NODE_RANK --num_proc_node 2 --master_address $IP_ADDR '

We re-train the SGM prior in the final stage using the following command on 2 nodes, each with 8 32GB V100 GPUs:

mpirun --allow-run-as-root  -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c \
    'python --data $DATA_DIR/celeba/celeba-lmdb --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/lsgm2 --dataset celeba_256 \
    --epochs 1500 --dropout 0.2 --num_channels_dae 320 --num_scales_dae 5 --weight_decay_norm_vae 1e-1 \
    --weight_decay_norm_dae 1e-2 --fir  --num_cell_per_scale_dae 8 --learning_rate_dae 6e-5 --learning_rate_min_dae 6e-5 \
    --batch_size 6 --sde_type vpsde --iw_sample_p drop_sigma2t_iw --num_process_per_node 8 \
    --use_se --vae_checkpoint $EXPR_ID/lsgm/  --dae_arch ncsnpp --embedding_scale 1000 \
    --mixing_logit_init -6 --warmup_epochs 20 --drop_inactive_var --skip_final_eval  \
    --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR --node_rank $NODE_RANK --num_proc_node 2 --master_address $IP_ADDR '

For evaluating the final model, we used the following command on 2 nodes, each with 8 32GB V100 GPUs:

mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np 2 -npernode 1 bash -c \
    'python --data $DATA_DIR/celeba/celeba-lmdb --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/eval \
    --checkpoint $CHECKPOINT_DIR/EXPR_ID/lsgm2/ --num_process_per_node 8 --eval_mode evaluate \
    --fid_ode_eval --ode_eps 1e-5 --ode_solver_tol 1e-5 --batch_size 64 --vae_train_mode \
    --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR --node_rank $NODE_RANK --num_proc_node 2 --master_address $IP_ADDR '

Note in the commands above --num_process_per_node sets the number of available GPUs for training. Set this argument to different values depending on the available GPUs in your system.

Evaluating NVAE models

Additionally, if you'd like to evaluate an NVAE trained in the first stage, you can use using a command like:

python --data $DATA_DIR/celeba/celeba-lmdb --root $CHECKPOINT_DIR --save $EXPR_ID/eval_vae --eval_mode evaluate \
        --checkpoint $CHECKPOINT_DIR/EXPR_ID/vae/ --num_process_per_node 8 --fid_dir $FID_STATS_DIR \
        --fid_eval --nll_eval

However, please note that the NVAE models trained in the first stage with our commands are not always fully trained to convergence, as the KL warmup is often performed only partially during first stage training (and completed during the second end-to-end LSGM training stage) and the number of epochs is set to a small value. If you would like to fully train an NVAE model in the first stage use --kl_anneal_portion 0.3 --kl_max_coeff 1.0, and set the number of epochs such that you have about 100k to 400k training iterations.

Monitoring the training progress

We use Tensorboard to monitor the progress of training using a command like:

tensorboard --logdir $CHECKPOINT_DIR/$EXPR_ID/lsgm


We provide pre-trained LSGM checkpoints for the MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CelebA-HQ-256 datasets at this location. In addition to LSGM models, each directory also contains the pre-trained NVAE checkpoint obtained at the end of the first VAE pre-training stage.

Common issues

Getting NaN in training

One of the main challenges in training very deep hierarchical VAEs are training instabilities that we discussed in the NVAE paper. The training commands provided above train LSGM models similar to the ones reported in the paper. However, if you encounter NaN during training, you can use these tricks to stabilize your training: (i) Increase the spectral regularization coefficients --weight_decay_norm_vae and --weight_decay_norm_dae. (ii) Decrease the learning rate. (iii) Disable training of the VAE component when training LSGM in the second stage by removing the --train_vae argument.

Note that some of our commands above have the --custom_conv_dae flag. This flag tells our spectral regularization (SR) class to look for particular convolution layer classes when applying this regularization on the SGM prior. Since these classes are not present in the NCSN++ architecture, this flag will disable SR on the conv layers of the SGM prior. In our experiments, we accidentally observed that providing this flag (i.e., disabling SR on the SGM prior), sometimes yields better generative performance due to the over-regularization of SR. However, this can come with instabilities at times. If you observe instability while having the --custom_conv_dae flag, we recommend removing this flag such that SR can be applied to the conv layers in the SGM prior as well.

Requirements installation

Installing ninja, pytorch and apex (optional) often requires installing a variant of these libraries that are compiled with the same cuda version. We installed these libraries on a Ubuntu system with python 3.8 and CUDA 10.1 using the following commands:

export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-10.1/
pip3 install torch==1.8.0+cu101 torchvision==0.9.0+cu101 torchaudio==0.8.0 -f
pip3 install ninja
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./

Alternatively, if you have difficulties with installing these libraries, we recommend running our code in docker containers. You can build a docker image on top of NVIDIA images in which these libraries are properly compiled. You can find our Dockerfile at scripts/Dockerfile.


Please check the LICENSE file. LSGM may be used with NVIDIA Processors non-commercially, meaning for research or evaluation purposes only. For business inquiries, please contact [email protected].


Cite our paper using the following bibtex item:

  title={Score-based Generative Modeling in Latent Space},
  author={Vahdat, Arash and Kreis, Karsten and Kautz, Jan},
  booktitle={Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
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NVIDIA Research Projects
A simple library that implements CLIP guided loss in PyTorch.

pytorch_clip_guided_loss: Pytorch implementation of the CLIP guided loss for Text-To-Image, Image-To-Image, or Image-To-Text generation. A simple libr

Sergei Belousov 74 Dec 26, 2022
JAXDL: JAX (Flax) Deep Learning Library

JAXDL: JAX (Flax) Deep Learning Library Simple and clean JAX/Flax deep learning algorithm implementations: Soft-Actor-Critic (arXiv:1812.05905) Transf

Patrick Hart 4 Nov 27, 2022
ilpyt: imitation learning library with modular, baseline implementations in Pytorch

ilpyt The imitation learning toolbox (ilpyt) contains modular implementations of common deep imitation learning algorithms in PyTorch, with unified in

The MITRE Corporation 11 Nov 17, 2022
Near-Optimal Sparse Allreduce for Distributed Deep Learning (published in PPoPP'22)

Near-Optimal Sparse Allreduce for Distributed Deep Learning (published in PPoPP'22) Ok-Topk is a scheme for distributed training with sparse gradients

Shigang Li 9 Oct 29, 2022
Space Time Recurrent Memory Network - Pytorch

Space Time Recurrent Memory Network - Pytorch (wip) Implementation of Space Time Recurrent Memory Network, recurrent network competitive with attentio

Phil Wang 50 Nov 07, 2021
Equivariant layers for RC-complement symmetry in DNA sequence data

Equi-RC Equivariant layers for RC-complement symmetry in DNA sequence data This is a repository that implements the layers as described in "Reverse-Co

7 May 19, 2022
Torch implementation of SegNet and deconvolutional network

Torch implementation of SegNet and deconvolutional network

Fedor Chervinskii 5 Jul 17, 2020
Technical Indicators implemented in Python only using Numpy-Pandas as Magic - Very Very Fast! Very tiny! Stock Market Financial Technical Analysis Python library . Quant Trading automation or cryptocoin exchange

MyTT Technical Indicators implemented in Python only using Numpy-Pandas as Magic - Very Very Fast! to Stock Market Financial Technical Analysis Python

dev 34 Dec 27, 2022
LSUN Dataset Documentation and Demo Code

LSUN Please check LSUN webpage for more information about the dataset. Data Release All the images in one category are stored in one lmdb database fil

Fisher Yu 426 Jan 02, 2023
unofficial pytorch implement of "Squareplus: A Softplus-Like Algebraic Rectifier"

SquarePlus (Pytorch implement) unofficial pytorch implement of "Squareplus: A Softplus-Like Algebraic Rectifier" SquarePlus Squareplus is a Softplus-L

SeeFun 3 Dec 29, 2021
Python library containing BART query generation and BERT-based Siamese models for neural retrieval.

Neural Retrieval Embedding-based Zero-shot Retrieval through Query Generation leverages query synthesis over large corpuses of unlabeled text (such as

Amazon Web Services - Labs 35 Apr 14, 2022
Code for ICCV 2021 paper Graph-to-3D: End-to-End Generation and Manipulation of 3D Scenes using Scene Graphs

Graph-to-3D This is the official implementation of the paper Graph-to-3d: End-to-End Generation and Manipulation of 3D Scenes Using Scene Graphs | arx

Helisa Dhamo 33 Jan 06, 2023
Deep Q-Learning Network in pytorch (not actively maintained)

pytoch-dqn This project is pytorch implementation of Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning and I also plan to implement the followin

Hung-Tu Chen 342 Jan 01, 2023
Repo for 2021 SDD assessment task 2, by Felix, Anna, and James.

SoftwareTask2 Repo for 2021 SDD assessment task 2, by Felix, Anna, and James. File/folder structure: - demonstrates various map backgrou

3 Dec 13, 2022
Super-BPD: Super Boundary-to-Pixel Direction for Fast Image Segmentation (CVPR 2020)

Super-BPD for Fast Image Segmentation (CVPR 2020) Introduction We propose direction-based super-BPD, an alternative to superpixel, for fast generic im

189 Dec 07, 2022
This is the repository of our article published on MDPI Entropy "Feature Selection for Recommender Systems with Quantum Computing".

Collaborative-driven Quantum Feature Selection This repository was developed by Riccardo Nembrini, PhD student at Politecnico di Milano. See the websi

Quantum Computing Lab @ Politecnico di Milano 10 Apr 21, 2022
HiFi-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Efficient and High Fidelity Speech Synthesis

HiFi-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Efficient and High Fidelity Speech Synthesis Jungil Kong, Jaehyeon Kim, Jaekyoung Bae In our paper, we p

Rishikesh (ऋषिकेश) 31 Dec 08, 2022
[RSS 2021] An End-to-End Differentiable Framework for Contact-Aware Robot Design

DiffHand This repository contains the implementation for the paper An End-to-End Differentiable Framework for Contact-Aware Robot Design (RSS 2021). I

Jie Xu 60 Jan 04, 2023
Learning to Draw: Emergent Communication through Sketching

Learning to Draw: Emergent Communication through Sketching This is the official code for the paper "Learning to Draw: Emergent Communication through S

19 Jul 22, 2022
Mip-NeRF: A Multiscale Representation for Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields.

This repository contains the code release for Mip-NeRF: A Multiscale Representation for Anti-Aliasing Neural Radiance Fields. This implementation is written in JAX, and is a fork of Google's JaxNeRF

Google 625 Dec 30, 2022