[ICLR 2021] HW-NAS-Bench: Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture Search Benchmark


HW-NAS-Bench: Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture Search Benchmark

Accepted as a spotlight paper at ICLR 2021.

Table of content

File structure

├── hw_nas_bench_api # HW-NAS-Bench API
│   ├── fbnet_models # FBNet's space
│   └── nas_201_models # NAS-Bench-201's space
│       ├── cell_infers
│       ├── cell_searchs
│       ├── config_utils
│       ├── shape_infers
│       └── shape_searchs
└── nas_201_api # NAS-Bench-201 API


The code has the following dependencies:

  • python >= 3.6.10
  • pytorch >= 1.2.0
  • numpy >= 1.18.5

Preparation and download

No addtional file needs to be downloaded, our HW-NAS-Bench dataset has been included in this repository.

[Optional] If you want to use NAS-Bench-201 to access information about the architectures' accuracy and loss, please follow the NAS-Bench-201 guide, and download the NAS-Bench-201-v1_1-096897.pth.

How to use HW-NAS-Bench

More usage can be found in our jupyter notebook example

  1. Create an API instance from a file:
from hw_nas_bench_api import HWNASBenchAPI as HWAPI
hw_api = HWAPI("HW-NAS-Bench-v1_0.pickle", search_space="nasbench201")
  1. Show the real measured/estimated hardware-cost in different datasets:
# Example to get all the hardware metrics in the No.0,1,2 architectures under NAS-Bench-201's Space
for idx in range(3):
    for dataset in ["cifar10", "cifar100", "ImageNet16-120"]:
        HW_metrics = hw_api.query_by_index(idx, dataset)
        print("The HW_metrics (type: {}) for No.{} @ {} under NAS-Bench-201: {}".format(type(HW_metrics),

Corresponding printed information:

===> Example to get all the hardware metrics in the No.0,1,2 architectures under NAS-Bench-201's Space
The HW_metrics (type: <class 'dict'>) for No.0 @ cifar10 under NAS-Bench-201: {'edgegpu_latency': 5.807418537139893, 'edgegpu_energy': 24.226614330768584, 'raspi4_latency': 10.481976820010459, 'edgetpu_latency': 0.9571811309997429, 'pixel3_latency': 3.6058499999999998, 'eyeriss_latency': 3.645620000000001, 'eyeriss_energy': 0.6872827644999999, 'fpga_latency': 2.57296, 'fpga_energy': 18.01072}
  1. Show the real measured/estimated hardware-cost for a single architecture:
# Example to get use the hardware metrics in the No.0 architectures in CIFAR-10 under NAS-Bench-201's Space
print("===> Example to get use the hardware metrics in the No.0 architectures in CIFAR-10 under NAS-Bench-201's Space")
HW_metrics = hw_api.query_by_index(0, "cifar10")
for k in HW_metrics:
    if "latency" in k:
        unit = "ms"
        unit = "mJ"
    print("{}: {} ({})".format(k, HW_metrics[k], unit))

Corresponding printed information:

===> Example to get use the hardware metrics in the No.0 architectures in CIFAR-10 under NAS-Bench-201's Space
edgegpu_latency: 5.807418537139893 (ms)
edgegpu_energy: 24.226614330768584 (mJ)
raspi4_latency: 10.481976820010459 (ms)
edgetpu_latency: 0.9571811309997429 (ms)
pixel3_latency: 3.6058499999999998 (ms)
eyeriss_latency: 3.645620000000001 (ms)
eyeriss_energy: 0.6872827644999999 (mJ)
fpga_latency: 2.57296 (ms)
fpga_energy: 18.01072 (mJ)
  1. Create the network from api:
# Create the network
config = hw_api.get_net_config(0, "cifar10")
from hw_nas_bench_api.nas_201_models import get_cell_based_tiny_net
network = get_cell_based_tiny_net(config) # create the network from configurration
print(network) # show the structure of this architecture

Corresponding printed information:

{'name': 'infer.tiny', 'C': 16, 'N': 5, 'arch_str': '|avg_pool_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_1x1~0|skip_connect~1|+|nor_conv_1x1~0|skip_connect~1|skip_connect~2|', 'num_classes': 10}
  TinyNetwork(C=16, N=5, L=17)
  (stem): Sequential(
    (0): Conv2d(3, 16, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False)
    (1): BatchNorm2d(16, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
  (cells): ModuleList(
    (0): InferCell(
      info :: nodes=4, inC=16, outC=16, [1<-(I0-L0) | 2<-(I0-L1,I1-L2) | 3<-(I0-L3,I1-L4,I2-L5)], |avg_pool_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_1x1~0|skip_connect~1|+|nor_conv_1x1~0|skip_connect~1|skip_connect~2|
      (layers): ModuleList(
        (0): POOLING(
          (op): AvgPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
        (1): ReLUConvBN(


Part of the devices used in HW-NAS-Bench:

Part of the devices used in HW-NAS-Bench


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