A very simple tool to rewrite parameters such as attributes and constants for OPs in ONNX models. Simple Attribute and Constant Modifier for ONNX.



A very simple tool to rewrite parameters such as attributes and constants for OPs in ONNX models. Simple Attribute and Constant Modifier for ONNX.


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Key concept

  • Specify an arbitrary OP name and Constant type INPUT name or an arbitrary OP name and Attribute name, and pass the modified constants to rewrite the parameters of the relevant OP.
  • Two types of input are accepted: .onnx file input and onnx.ModelProto format objects.
  • To design the operation to be simple, only a single OP can be specified.
  • Attributes and constants are forcibly rewritten, so the integrity of the entire graph is not checked in detail.

1. Setup

1-1. HostPC

### option
$ echo export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc \
&& source ~/.bashrc

### run
$ pip install -U onnx \
&& python3 -m pip install -U onnx_graphsurgeon --index-url https://pypi.ngc.nvidia.com \
&& pip install -U sam4onnx

1-2. Docker

### docker pull
$ docker pull pinto0309/sam4onnx:latest

### docker build
$ docker build -t pinto0309/sam4onnx:latest .

### docker run
$ docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/workdir pinto0309/sam4onnx:latest
$ cd /workdir

2. CLI Usage

$ sam4onnx -h

    sam4onnx [-h]
    --input_onnx_file_path INPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
    --output_onnx_file_path OUTPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
    [--op_name OP_NAME]
    [--attributes NAME DTYPE VALUE]
    [--input_constants NAME DTYPE VALUE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help
        show this help message and exit

  --input_onnx_file_path INPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
        Input onnx file path.

  --output_onnx_file_path OUTPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
        Output onnx file path.

  --op_name OP_NAME
        OP name of the attributes to be changed.
        When --attributes is specified, --op_name must always be specified.
        e.g. --op_name aaa

  --attributes NAME DTYPE VALUE
        Parameter to change the attribute of the OP specified in --op_name.
        If the OP specified in --op_name has no attributes,
        it is ignored. attributes can be specified multiple times.
        --attributes name dtype value dtype is one of
        "float32" or "float64" or "int32" or "int64" or "str".

        --attributes alpha float32 [[1.0]]
        --attributes beta float32 [1.0]
        --attributes transA int64 0
        --attributes transB int64 0

  --input_constants NAME DTYPE VALUE
        Specifies the name of the constant to be changed.
        If you want to change only the constant,
        you do not need to specify --op_name and --attributes.
        input_constants can be specified multiple times.
        --input_constants constant_name numpy.dtype value

        --input_constants constant_name1 int64 0
        --input_constants constant_name2 float32 [[1.0,2.0,3.0],[4.0,5.0,6.0]]

        Do not show all information logs. Only error logs are displayed.

3. In-script Usage

$ python
>>> from sam4onnx import modify
>>> help(modify)
Help on function modify in module sam4onnx.onnx_attr_const_modify:

    input_onnx_file_path: Union[str, NoneType] = '',
    output_onnx_file_path: Union[str, NoneType] = '',
    onnx_graph: Union[onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto, NoneType] = None,
    op_name: Union[str, NoneType] = '',
    attributes: Union[dict, NoneType] = None,
    input_constants: Union[dict, NoneType] = None,
    non_verbose: Union[bool, NoneType] = False
) -> onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto

    input_onnx_file_path: Optional[str]
        Input onnx file path.
        Either input_onnx_file_path or onnx_graph must be specified.

    output_onnx_file_path: Optional[str]
        Output onnx file path.
        If output_onnx_file_path is not specified, no .onnx file is output.

    onnx_graph: Optional[onnx.ModelProto]
        Either input_onnx_file_path or onnx_graph must be specified.
        onnx_graph If specified, ignore input_onnx_file_path and process onnx_graph.

    op_name: Optional[str]
        OP name of the attributes to be changed.
        When --attributes is specified, --op_name must always be specified.
        Default: ''

    attributes: Optional[dict]
        Specify output attributes for the OP to be generated.
        See below for the attributes that can be specified.

        {"attr_name1": numpy.ndarray, "attr_name2": numpy.ndarray, ...}

        e.g. attributes =
                "alpha": np.asarray(1.0, dtype=np.float32),
                "beta": np.asarray(1.0, dtype=np.float32),
                "transA": np.asarray(0, dtype=np.int64),
                "transB": np.asarray(0, dtype=np.int64)
        Default: None

    input_constants: Optional[dict]
        Specifies the name of the constant to be changed.
        If you want to change only the constant,
        you do not need to specify --op_name and --attributes.
        {"constant_name1": numpy.ndarray, "constant_name2": numpy.ndarray, ...}

        input_constants =
                "constant_name1": np.asarray(0, dtype=np.int64),
                "constant_name2": np.asarray([[1.0,2.0,3.0],[4.0,5.0,6.0]], dtype=np.float32)
        Default: None

    non_verbose: Optional[bool]
        Do not show all information logs. Only error logs are displayed.
        Default: False

    modified_graph: onnx.ModelProto
        Mddified onnx ModelProto

4. CLI Execution

$ sam4onnx \
--op_name Transpose_17 \
--input_onnx_file_path input.onnx \
--output_onnx_file_path output.onnx \
--attributes perm int64 [0,1]

5. In-script Execution

from sam4onnx import modify

modified_graph = modify(
    input_constants={"241": np.asarray([1], dtype=np.int64)},

6. Sample

6-1. Transpose - update perm


$ sam4onnx \
--op_name Transpose_17 \
--input_onnx_file_path hitnet_sf_finalpass_720x1280_nonopt.onnx \
--output_onnx_file_path hitnet_sf_finalpass_720x1280_nonopt_mod.onnx \
--attributes perm int64 [0,1]


6-2. Mul - update Constant (170) - From: 2, To: 1


$ sam4onnx \
--input_onnx_file_path hitnet_sf_finalpass_720x1280_nonopt.onnx \
--output_onnx_file_path hitnet_sf_finalpass_720x1280_nonopt_mod.onnx \
--input_constants 170 float32 1


6-3. Reshape - update Constant (241) - From: [-1], To: [1]


$ sam4onnx \
--input_onnx_file_path hitnet_sf_finalpass_720x1280_nonopt.onnx \
--output_onnx_file_path hitnet_sf_finalpass_720x1280_nonopt_mod.onnx \
--input_constants 241 int64 [1]


7. Issues


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  • 1.0.12(Jan 2, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Support for models with custom domains by @PINTO0309 in https://github.com/PINTO0309/sam4onnx/pull/2

    New Contributors

    • @PINTO0309 made their first contribution in https://github.com/PINTO0309/sam4onnx/pull/2

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/PINTO0309/sam4onnx/compare/1.0.11...1.0.12

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.11(Sep 8, 2022)

    • Add short form parameter
      $ sam4onnx -h
          sam4onnx [-h]
          -if INPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
          [-on OP_NAME]
          [-a NAME DTYPE VALUE]
          [-ic NAME DTYPE VALUE]
      optional arguments:
        -h, --help
          show this help message and exit
        -if INPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH, --input_onnx_file_path INPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
          Input onnx file path.
        -of OUTPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH, --output_onnx_file_path OUTPUT_ONNX_FILE_PATH
          Output onnx file path.
        -on OP_NAME, --op_name OP_NAME
          OP name of the attributes to be changed.
          When --attributes is specified, --op_name must always be specified.
          e.g. --op_name aaa
          Parameter to change the attribute of the OP specified in --op_name.
          If the OP specified in --op_name has no attributes,
          it is ignored. attributes can be specified multiple times.
          --attributes name dtype value dtype is one of
          "float32" or "float64" or "int32" or "int64" or "str".
          --attributes alpha float32 [[1.0]]
          --attributes beta float32 [1.0]
          --attributes transA int64 0
          --attributes transB int64 0
          Parameter to delete the attribute of the OP specified in --op_name.
          If the OP specified in --op_name has no attributes,
          it is ignored. delete_attributes can be specified multiple times.
          --delete_attributes name1 name2 name3
          e.g. --delete_attributes alpha beta
          Specifies the name of the constant to be changed.
          If you want to change only the constant,
          you do not need to specify --op_name and --attributes.
          input_constants can be specified multiple times.
          --input_constants constant_name numpy.dtype value
          --input_constants constant_name1 int64 0
          --input_constants constant_name2 float32 [[1.0,2.0,3.0],[4.0,5.0,6.0]]
          --input_constants constant_name3 float32 [\'-Infinity\']
        -n, --non_verbose
          Do not show all information logs. Only error logs are displayed.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.10(Aug 7, 2022)

  • 1.0.9(Jul 17, 2022)

    • Support for constant rewriting when the same constant is shared. Valid only when op_name is specified. Generates a new constant that is different from the shared constant.

    • Reshape_156 onnx::Reshape_391 int64 [1, -1, 85] image

    • Reshape_174 onnx::Reshape_391 int64 [1, -1, 85] image

      sam4onnx \
      --input_onnx_file_path yolov7-tiny_test_sim.onnx \
      --output_onnx_file_path yolov7-tiny_test_sim_mod.onnx \
      --op_name Reshape_156 \
      --input_constants onnx::Reshape_391 int64 [1,14400,85]
    • Reshape_156 onnx::Reshape_391 int64 [1, -1, 85] -> Reshape_156 onnx::Reshape_391_mod_3 int64 [1, 14400, 85] image

    • Reshape_174 onnx::Reshape_391 int64 [1, -1, 85] image

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.8(Jun 7, 2022)

  • 1.0.7(May 25, 2022)

  • 1.0.6(May 15, 2022)

  • 1.0.5(May 12, 2022)

  • 1.0.4(May 5, 2022)

  • 1.0.3(May 5, 2022)

    • Support for additional attributes
      • Note that the correct attribute set according to the OP's opset is not checked, so any attribute can be added.
      • The figure below shows the addition of the attribute perm to Reshape, which does not originally exist. image
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.2(May 3, 2022)

  • 1.0.1(Apr 16, 2022)

  • 1.0.0(Apr 15, 2022)

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