Ansible Inventory Plugin, created to get hosts from HTTP API.


Build Dockerfile Build Ansible Collection

augustoliks/ws-inventory Docker Pulls



Ansible Inventory Plugin, created to get hosts from HTTP API.


  • Database compatible with MongoDB and Filesystem (JSON format);
  • Import inventory with .CSV file format;
  • Export inventory with .CSV file format.


Configure Ansible Inventory Plugin:


pip3 install requests

Installing the Collection from Ansible Galaxy

Before using the collection, you need to install it with the Ansible Galaxy CLI:

ansible-galaxy collection install

You can also include it in a requirements.yml file and install it via ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml, using the format:

  - name:
    version: 1.0.3


Create inventory file ws-iventory.yml, and configure follow options:

# Plugin Name

# Plugin Options
api_endpoint: ''
timeout: 10

Run Ansible playbook with ws-iventory.yml inventory.

ansible-playbook -i ws-iventory.yml main.yml 

Configure HTTP Server API

Webserver Source code is in the http-server-api/ directory.

Application wrapped in Container Image format, but it can be runs a system wide, with systemd or sysvinit etc.

Pull Docker Image

docker pull augustoliks/ws-inventory:latest


Source code was made in Python. The configuration app, using a library dynaconf, for provides multiple formats to configure properties of project. For default, configuration was made in JSON file format, but it could be made from any other source and format compatible with a configuration library.

  "filesystem": {
    "BIND_ADDRESS": "",
    "BIND_PORT": 5000,
    "URI_ROOT_PATH": "/",
    "DB_DRIVER": "filesystem",
    "DB_OPTS": {
      "file": "/tmp/inventory.json"
  "mongodb": {
    "BIND_ADDRESS": "",
    "BIND_PORT": 5000,
    "URI_ROOT_PATH": "/",
    "DB_DRIVER": "mongodb",
    "DB_OPTS": {
      "url": "mongodb://root:[email protected]:27017"
  • ENV_FOR_DYNACONF: Select high level set properties. Options available: mongodb, filesystem;

  • BIND_ADDRESS: Bind of HTTP Server address uvicorn;

  • BIND_PORT: Port of HTTP Server uvicorn;

  • LOG_LEVEL: Log of application. Levels available: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL;

  • URI_ROOT_PATH: Base URI path routes of webserver (util in reverse proxys servers nginx, apache, traefix);

  • DB_DRIVER: Persistence Tecnology. This option choosed, change properties of DB_OPTS properties. Technologies available: mongodb, filesystem

  • DB_OPTS: Properties access Persist Layer:

    • mongodb:

      • url: URL with basic-auth to access mongodb instance
    • filesystem:

      • file: Path of file which will be used with database.

Example Complete

cd examples/
  • Install dependencies (require virtualenv):
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
  • Provides ws-inventory and mongodb container instances:
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
  • Insert hosts:


  • List hosts:


  • Check playbook-main.yml properties:

⚠️ augustoliks should be change with your system username.

$ cat playbook-main.yml                                                                                                     

- hosts: all
  remote_user: augustoliks
  become_user: augustoliks
  become: yes
  gather_facts: False

    - ansible.builtin.debug:
        var: hostvars
  • Check ws-inventory.yml properties:
$ cat ws-inventory.yml                                                                                                      

plugin: ""
api_endpoint: ""
timeout: 10
  • Test plugin
$ ansible-inventory -i ws-inventory.yml --graph
$ ansible-inventory -i ws-inventory.yml --list
  • Run playbook
$ ansible-playbook -i ws-inventory.yml playbook-main.yml --ask-pass                                                         

SSH password: 

PLAY [all] ********************************************************************************************************************

TASK [ansible.builtin.debug] **************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "hostvars": {
        "localhost": {
            "location": {
                "address": "string",
                "latitude": 35.1234,
                "longitude": 10.1234

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0                                                                     
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