Revisiting Pre-trained Models for Chinese Natural Language Processing (Findings of EMNLP 2020)



This repository contains the resources in our paper "Revisiting Pre-trained Models for Chinese Natural Language Processing", which will be published in "Findings of EMNLP". You can read our camera-ready paper through ACL Anthology or arXiv pre-print.

Revisiting Pre-trained Models for Chinese Natural Language Processing
Yiming Cui, Wanxiang Che, Ting Liu, Bing Qin, Shijin Wang, Guoping Hu

For resources other than MacBERT, please visit the following repositories:

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2021/10/24 We propose the first pre-trained language model that specifically focusing on Chinese minority languages. Check:

2021/7/21 由哈工大SCIR多位学者撰写的《自然语言处理:基于预训练模型的方法》已出版,欢迎大家选购,也可参与我们的赠书活动

[Nov 3, 2020] Pre-trained MacBERT models are available through direct Download or Quick Load. Use it as if you are using original BERT (except for it cannot perform the original MLM).

[Sep 15, 2020] Our paper "Revisiting Pre-Trained Models for Chinese Natural Language Processing" is accepted to Findings of EMNLP as a long paper.


Section Description
Introduction Introduction to MacBERT
Download Download links for MacBERT
Quick Load Learn how to quickly load our models through 🤗 Transformers
Results Results on several Chinese NLP datasets
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
Citation Citation


MacBERT is an improved BERT with novel MLM as correction pre-training task, which mitigates the discrepancy of pre-training and fine-tuning.

Instead of masking with [MASK] token, which never appears in the fine-tuning stage, we propose to use similar words for the masking purpose. A similar word is obtained by using Synonyms toolkit (Wang and Hu, 2017), which is based on word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) similarity calculations. If an N-gram is selected to mask, we will find similar words individually. In rare cases, when there is no similar word, we will degrade to use random word replacement.

Here is an example of our pre-training task.

Original Sentence we use a language model to predict the probability of the next word.
MLM we use a language [M] to [M] ##di ##ct the pro [M] ##bility of the next word .
Whole word masking we use a language [M] to [M] [M] [M] the [M] [M] [M] of the next word .
N-gram masking we use a [M] [M] to [M] [M] [M] the [M] [M] [M] [M] [M] next word .
MLM as correction we use a text system to ca ##lc ##ulate the po ##si ##bility of the next word .

Except for the new pre-training task, we also incorporate the following techniques.

  • Whole Word Masking (WWM)
  • N-gram masking
  • Sentence-Order Prediction (SOP)

Note that our MacBERT can be directly replaced with the original BERT as there is no differences in the main neural architecture.

For more technical details, please check our paper: Revisiting Pre-trained Models for Chinese Natural Language Processing


We mainly provide pre-trained MacBERT models in TensorFlow 1.x.

  • MacBERT-large, Chinese: 24-layer, 1024-hidden, 16-heads, 324M parameters
  • MacBERT-base, Chinese:12-layer, 768-hidden, 12-heads, 102M parameters
Model Google Drive iFLYTEK Cloud Size
MacBERT-large, Chinese TensorFlow TensorFlow(pw:3Yg3) 1.2G
MacBERT-base, Chinese TensorFlow TensorFlow(pw:E2cP) 383M

PyTorch/TensorFlow2 Version

If you need these models in PyTorch/TensorFlow2,

  1. Convert TensorFlow checkpoint into PyTorch/TensorFlow2, using 🤗 Transformers

  2. Download from

Steps: select one of the model in the page above → click "list all files in model" at the end of the model page → download bin/json files from the pop-up window.

Quick Load

With Huggingface-Transformers, the models above could be easily accessed and loaded through the following codes.

tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("MODEL_NAME")
model = BertModel.from_pretrained("MODEL_NAME")

**Notice: Please use BertTokenizer and BertModel for loading MacBERT models. **

The actual model and its MODEL_NAME are listed below.

Original Model MODEL_NAME
MacBERT-large hfl/chinese-macbert-large
MacBERT-base hfl/chinese-macbert-base


We present the results of MacBERT on the following six tasks (please read our paper for other results).

To ensure the stability of the results, we run 10 times for each experiment and report the maximum and average scores (in brackets).

CMRC 2018

CMRC 2018 dataset is released by the Joint Laboratory of HIT and iFLYTEK Research. The model should answer the questions based on the given passage, which is identical to SQuAD. Evaluation metrics: EM / F1

Model Development Test Challenge #Params
BERT-base 65.5 (64.4) / 84.5 (84.0) 70.0 (68.7) / 87.0 (86.3) 18.6 (17.0) / 43.3 (41.3) 102M
BERT-wwm 66.3 (65.0) / 85.6 (84.7) 70.5 (69.1) / 87.4 (86.7) 21.0 (19.3) / 47.0 (43.9) 102M
BERT-wwm-ext 67.1 (65.6) / 85.7 (85.0) 71.4 (70.0) / 87.7 (87.0) 24.0 (20.0) / 47.3 (44.6) 102M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext 67.4 (66.5) / 87.2 (86.5) 72.6 (71.4) / 89.4 (88.8) 26.2 (24.6) / 51.0 (49.1) 102M
ELECTRA-base 68.4 (68.0) / 84.8 (84.6) 73.1 (72.7) / 87.1 (86.9) 22.6 (21.7) / 45.0 (43.8) 102M
MacBERT-base 68.5 (67.3) / 87.9 (87.1) 73.2 (72.4) / 89.5 (89.2) 30.2 (26.4) / 54.0 (52.2) 102M
ELECTRA-large 69.1 (68.2) / 85.2 (84.5) 73.9 (72.8) / 87.1 (86.6) 23.0 (21.6) / 44.2 (43.2) 324M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext-large 68.5 (67.6) / 88.4 (87.9) 74.2 (72.4) / 90.6 (90.0) 31.5 (30.1) / 60.1 (57.5) 324M
MacBERT-large 70.7 (68.6) / 88.9 (88.2) 74.8 (73.2) / 90.7 (90.1) 31.9 (29.6) / 60.2 (57.6) 324M


DRCD is also a span-extraction machine reading comprehension dataset, released by Delta Research Center. The text is written in Traditional Chinese. Evaluation metrics: EM / F1

Model Development Test #Params
BERT-base 83.1 (82.7) / 89.9 (89.6) 82.2 (81.6) / 89.2 (88.8) 102M
BERT-wwm 84.3 (83.4) / 90.5 (90.2) 82.8 (81.8) / 89.7 (89.0) 102M
BERT-wwm-ext 85.0 (84.5) / 91.2 (90.9) 83.6 (83.0) / 90.4 (89.9) 102M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext 86.6 (85.9) / 92.5 (92.2) 85.6 (85.2) / 92.0 (91.7) 102M
ELECTRA-base 87.5 (87.0) / 92.5 (92.3) 86.9 (86.6) / 91.8 (91.7) 102M
MacBERT-base 89.4 (89.2) / 94.3 (94.1) 89.5 (88.7) / 93.8 (93.5) 102M
ELECTRA-large 88.8 (88.7) / 93.3 (93.2) 88.8 (88.2) / 93.6 (93.2) 324M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext-large 89.6 (89.1) / 94.8 (94.4) 89.6 (88.9) / 94.5 (94.1) 324M
MacBERT-large 91.2 (90.8) / 95.6 (95.3) 91.7 (90.9) / 95.6 (95.3) 324M


We use XNLI data for testing the NLI task. Evaluation metrics: Accuracy

Model Development Test #Params
BERT-base 77.8 (77.4) 77.8 (77.5) 102M
BERT-wwm 79.0 (78.4) 78.2 (78.0) 102M
BERT-wwm-ext 79.4 (78.6) 78.7 (78.3) 102M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext 80.0 (79.2) 78.8 (78.3) 102M
ELECTRA-base 77.9 (77.0) 78.4 (77.8) 102M
MacBERT-base 80.3 (79.7) 79.3 (78.8) 102M
ELECTRA-large 81.5 (80.8) 81.0 (80.9) 324M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext-large 82.1 (81.3) 81.2 (80.6) 324M
MacBERT-large 82.4 (81.8) 81.3 (80.6) 324M


We use ChnSentiCorp data for testing sentiment analysis. Evaluation metrics: Accuracy

Model Development Test #Params
BERT-base 94.7 (94.3) 95.0 (94.7) 102M
BERT-wwm 95.1 (94.5) 95.4 (95.0) 102M
BERT-wwm-ext 95.4 (94.6) 95.3 (94.7) 102M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext 95.0 (94.6) 95.6 (94.8) 102M
ELECTRA-base 93.8 (93.0) 94.5 (93.5) 102M
MacBERT-base 95.2 (94.8) 95.6 (94.9) 102M
ELECTRA-large 95.2 (94.6) 95.3 (94.8) 324M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext-large 95.8 (94.9) 95.8 (94.9) 324M
MacBERT-large 95.7 (95.0) 95.9 (95.1) 324M


LCQMC is a sentence pair matching dataset, which could be seen as a binary classification task. Evaluation metrics: Accuracy

Model Development Test #Params
BERT 89.4 (88.4) 86.9 (86.4) 102M
BERT-wwm 89.4 (89.2) 87.0 (86.8) 102M
BERT-wwm-ext 89.6 (89.2) 87.1 (86.6) 102M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext 89.0 (88.7) 86.4 (86.1) 102M
ELECTRA-base 90.2 (89.8) 87.6 (87.3) 102M
MacBERT-base 89.5 (89.3) 87.0 (86.5) 102M
ELECTRA-large 90.7 (90.4) 87.3 (87.2) 324M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext-large 90.4 (90.0) 87.0 (86.8) 324M
MacBERT-large 90.6 (90.3) 87.6 (87.1) 324M

BQ Corpus

BQ Corpus is a sentence pair matching dataset, which could be seen as a binary classification task. Evaluation metrics: Accuracy

Model Development Test #Params
BERT 86.0 (85.5) 84.8 (84.6) 102M
BERT-wwm 86.1 (85.6) 85.2 (84.9) 102M
BERT-wwm-ext 86.4 (85.5) 85.3 (84.8) 102M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext 86.0 (85.4) 85.0 (84.6) 102M
ELECTRA-base 84.8 (84.7) 84.5 (84.0) 102M
MacBERT-base 86.0 (85.5) 85.2 (84.9) 102M
ELECTRA-large 86.7 (86.2) 85.1 (84.8) 324M
RoBERTa-wwm-ext-large 86.3 (85.7) 85.8 (84.9) 324M
MacBERT-large 86.2 (85.7) 85.6 (85.0) 324M


Question 1: Do you have an English version of MacBERT?

A1: Sorry, we do not have English version of pre-trained MacBERT.

Question 2: How to use MacBERT?

A2: Use it as if you are using original BERT in the fine-tuning stage (just replace the checkpoint and config files). Also, you can perform further pre-training on our checkpoint with MLM/NSP/SOP objectives.

Question 3: Could you provide pre-training code for MacBERT?

A3: Sorry, we cannot provide source code at the moment, and maybe we'll release them in the future, but there is no guarantee.

Question 4: How about releasing the pre-training data?

A4: We have no right to redistribute these data, which will have potential legal violations.

Question 5: Will you release pre-trained MacBERT on a larger data?

A5: Currently, we have no plans on this.


If you find our resource or paper is useful, please consider including the following citation in your paper.

    title = "Revisiting Pre-Trained Models for {C}hinese Natural Language Processing",
    author = "Cui, Yiming  and
      Che, Wanxiang  and
      Liu, Ting  and
      Qin, Bing  and
      Wang, Shijin  and
      Hu, Guoping",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Findings",
    month = nov,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "657--668",


  title={Pre-Training with Whole Word Masking for Chinese BERT},
  author={Cui, Yiming and Che, Wanxiang and Liu, Ting and Qin, Bing and Yang, Ziqing},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing},


The first author would like to thank Google TensorFlow Research Cloud (TFRC) Program.


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Yiming Cui
NLP Researcher. Mainly interested in Machine Reading Comprehension, Question Answering, Pre-trained Language Model, etc.
Yiming Cui
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