QueryDet: Cascaded Sparse Query for Accelerating High-Resolution SmallObject Detection



This repository is the official implementation of our paper: QueryDet: Cascaded Sparse Query for Accelerating High-Resolution Small Object Detection


a. Install Pytorch 1.4 following here

b. Install APEX following here

c. Install our Pytorch based sparse convolution operation following here

d. Install the detectron2 toolkit following here, note that we build our approach based on version 0.2.1. Note you may follow the instructions to set COCO configs

d. Clone our repository and have fun with it!


1. Data preparation

a. To prepare MS-COCO, you may follow the instructions of Detectron2

b. We provide the data preprocessing code for VisDrone2018. You need to first download dataset from here

c. Check visdrone/data_prepare.py to process the dataset

2. Training

% train coco RetinaNet baseline
python train_coco.py --config-file models/retinanet/configs/coco/train.yaml --num-gpu 8 OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/workdir

% train coco QueryDet 
python train_coco.py --config-file models/querydet/configs/coco/train.yaml --num-gpu 8 OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/workdir

% train VisDrone RetinaNet baseline
python train_visdrone.py --config-file models/retinanet/configs/visdrone/train.yaml --num-gpu 8 OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/workdir

% train VisDrone QueryDet
python train_visdrone.py --config-file models/querydet/configs/visdrone/train.yaml --num-gpu 8 OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/workdir

3. Test

% test coco RetinaNet baseline
python infer_coco.py --config-file models/retinanet/configs/coco/test.yaml --num-gpu 8 --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS /path/to/workdir/model_final.pth

% test coco QueryDet with Dense Inference
python infer_coco.py --config-file models/querydet/configs/coco/test.yaml --num-gpu 8 --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS /path/to/workdir/model_final.pth

% test coco QueryDet with CSQ
python infer_coco.py --config-file models/querydet/configs/coco/test.yaml --num-gpu 8 --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS /path/to/workdir/model_final.pth MODEL.QUERY.QUERY_INFER True

Chenhongyi Yang
Ph.D. student at the University of Edinburgh.
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