Code for DisCo: Remedy Self-supervised Learning on Lightweight Models with Distilled Contrastive Learning


DisCo: Remedy Self-supervised Learning on Lightweight Models with Distilled Contrastive Learning

Pytorch Implementation for DisCo: Remedy Self-supervised Learning on Lightweight Models with Distilled Contrastive Learning

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  title={DisCo: Remedy Self-supervised Learning on Lightweight Models with Distilled Contrastive Learning},
  author={Gao, Yuting and Zhuang, Jia-Xin and Li, Ke and Cheng, Hao and Guo, Xiaowei and Huang, Feiyue and Ji, Rongrong and Sun, Xing},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.09124},


Teacher Models

Architecture Self-supervised Methods Model Checkpoints
ResNet152 MoCo-V2 Model
ResNet101 MoCo-V2 Model
ResNet50 MoCo-V2 Model

For teacher models such as ResNet-50*2 etc, we use their official implementation, which can be downloaded from their github pages.

Student Models by DisCo

Teacher/Students Efficient-B0 ResNet-18 Vit-Tiny XCiT-Tiny
ResNet-50 Model Model - -
ResNet-101 Model Model - -
ResNet-152 Model Model - -
ResNet-50*2 Model Model - -
ViT-Small - - Model -
XCiT-Small - - - Model


  • Python3

  • Pytorch 1.6+

  • Detectron2

  • 8 GPUs are preferred

  • ImageNet, Cifar10/100, VOC, COCO


Before running, we firstly move all data into share memory

cp /path/to/ImageNet /dev/shm

Pretrain Model

For pretraining baseline models with default hidden layer dimension in Tab1

# Switch to moco directory
cd moco

# R-50
python3 -u -a resnet50 --batch-size 256 --learning-rate 0.03 --mlp --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --cos --epochs 200 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --hidden 2048 /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
python3 -a resnet50 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

# R-101
python3 -u -a resnet101 --batch-size 256 --learning-rate 0.03 --mlp --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --cos --epochs 200 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --hidden 2048 /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
python3 -a resnet101 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

# R-152
python3 -u -a resnet152 --batch-size 256 --learning-rate 0.03 --mlp --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --cos --epochs 800 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --hidden 2048 /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
python3 -a resnet152 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0799.pth.tar /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

# Mob
python3 -u -a mobilenetv3 --batch-size 256 --learning-rate 0.03 --mlp --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --cos --epochs 200 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --hidden 512 /dev/shm 2>&1 |  tee ./logs/std.log
#          Evaluation
python3 -a mobilenetv3 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

# Effi-B0
python3 -u -a efficientb0 --batch-size 256 --learning-rate 0.03 --mlp --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --cos --epochs 200 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --hidden 1280 2>&1  |  tee ./logs/std.log
#          Evaluation
python3 -a efficientb0 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

# Effi-B1
python3 -u -a efficientb1 --batch-size 256 --learning-rate 0.03 --mlp --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --cos --epochs 200 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0  --hidden 1280  /dev/shm  2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
#          Evaluation
python3 -a efficientb1 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

# R-18
python3 -u -a resnet18 --batch-size 256 --learning-rate 0.03 --mlp --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --cos --epochs 200 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --hidden 1280 /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
#          Evaluation
python3 -a resnet18 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

# R-34
python3 -u -a resnet34 --batch-size 256 --learning-rate 0.03 --mlp --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --cos --epochs 200 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --hidden 1280 /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
#          Evaluation
python3 -a resnet34 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log


For training DisCo in Tab1, Comparision with baseline

# Switch to DisCo directory
cd DisCo

# R-50 & Effib0
python3 -u -a efficientb0 --lr 0.03 --batch-size 256 --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10043' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --mlp --cos --teacher_arch resnet50 --teacher /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
#          Evaluation
python3 -u -a efficientb0 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

# R50w2 & Effib0
python3 -u -a efficientb0 --lr 0.03 --batch-size 256 --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10043' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --mlp --cos --teacher_arch resnet50w2 --teacher /path/to/swav_RN50w2_400ep_pretrain.pth.tar /dev/shm 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
#          Evaluation
python3 -a resnet18 --learning-rate 30.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar  /dev/shm 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

For Tab2, Linear evaluation top-1 accuracy (%) on ImageNet compared with different distillation methods.

# RKD+DisCo, Eff-b0
python3 -u -a efficientb0 --lr 0.03 --batch-size 256 --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10043' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --mlp --cos --teacher /path/to/teacher_res50.pth.tar --use-mse /dev/shm  2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
#                  Evaluation
python3 -u -a efficientb0 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

# RKD, Eff-b0
python3 -u -a efficientb0 --lr 0.03 --batch-size 256 --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10043' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --mlp --cos --teacher /path/to/teacher_res50.pth.tar /dev/shm  2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
#                  Evaluation
python3 -u -a efficientb0 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

For Tab3 , **Object detection and instance segmentation results **

# Cp data to /dev/shm and set up path for Detectron2
cp -r /path/to/VOCdevkit/* /dev/shm/
cp -r /path/to/coco_2017 /dev/shm/coco
export DETECTRON2_DATASETS=/dev/shm

pip install /youtu-reid/jiaxzhuang/acmm/detectron2-0.4+cu101-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
cd detection

# Convert model for Detectron2
python3 /path/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar ./output.pkl

# Evaluation on VOC
python3 --config-file configs/pascal_voc_R_50_C4_24k_moco.yaml --num-gpus 8 --resume MODEL.RESNETS.DEPTH 34 MODEL.RESNETS.RES2_OUT_CHANNELS 64 2>&1 | tee ../logs/std.log
# Evaluation on CoCo
python3 --config-file configs/coco_R_50_C4_2x_moco.yaml --num-gpus 8  --resume MODEL.RESNETS.DEPTH 18 MODEL.RESNETS.RES2_OUT_CHANNELS 64 2>&1 | tee ../logs/std.log

For Fig5 , evaluation on Semi-Supervised Tasks

# Copy 1%, 10% ImageNet from the complete ImageNet, according to split from SimCLR.
cd data
# Need to set up path to Compelete ImageNet and the output path.
python3 -u --ratio 1
python3 -u --ratio 10

# Evaluation on 1% ImageNet with Eff-B0 by DisCo
cp -r /path/to/imagenet_1_fraction/train  /dev/shm
cp -r /path/to/imagenet_1_fraction/val  /dev/shm/
python3 -u -a efficientb0 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm  2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

# Evaluation on 10% ImageNet with R-18 by DisCo
cp -r /path/to/imagenet_10_fraction/train  /dev/shm
cp -r /path/to/imagenet_10_fraction/val  /dev/shm/
python3 -u -a resnet18 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm  2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

For Fig6, evaluation on Cifar10/Cifar100

# Copy Cifar10/100 to /dev/shm
cp /path/to/Cifar10/100 /dev/shm

# Evaluation on 1% Cifar10 with Eff-B0 by DisCo
python3 -a efficientb0 --dataset cifar10 --lr 3 --epochs 200 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
# Evaluation on  Cifar100 with Resnet18 by DisCo
python3 -a resnet18 --dataset cifar100 --lr 3 --epochs 200 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

For Tab4, Linear evaluation top-1 accuracy (%) on ImageNet, compared with SEED with consistent dimension in hidden layer.

python3 -u -a efficientb0 --lr 0.03 --batch-size 256 --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10043' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --mlp --cos --teacher_arch resnet50 --teacher /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar --hidden 2048 /dev/shm/ 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
#          Evaluation
python3 -u -a efficientb0 --learning-rate 3.0 --batch-size 256 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoint_0199.pth.tar /dev/shm 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

For Tab5, Linear evaluation top-1 accuracy (%) on ImageNet with SwAV as the testbed.

# SwAV, Train with SwAV only
cd swav-master
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
        --data_path /dev/shm/train \
        --base_lr 0.6 \
        --final_lr 0.0006 \
        --warmup_epochs 0 \
        --crops_for_assign 0 1 \
        --size_crops 224 96 \
        --nmb_crops 2 6 \
        --min_scale_crops 0.14 0.05 \
        --max_scale_crops 1. 0.14 \
        --use_fp16 true \
        --freeze_prototypes_niters 5005 \
        --queue_length 3840 \
        --epoch_queue_starts 15 \
        --dump_path ./ckpt \
        --sync_bn pytorch \
        --temperature 0.1 \
        --epsilon 0.05 \
        --sinkhorn_iterations 3 \
        --feat_dim 128 \
        --nmb_prototypes 3000 \
        --epochs 200 \
        --batch_size 64 \
        --wd 0.000001 \
        --arch efficientb0 \
        --use_fp16 true 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log
# Evaluation
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --arch efficientb0 --data_path /dev/shm --pretrained /path/to/ckpt/checkpoints/ckp-199.pth 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

# DisCo + SwAV
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
        --data_path /dev/shm/train \
        --base_lr 0.6 \
        --final_lr 0.0006 \
        --warmup_epochs 0 \
        --crops_for_assign 0 1 \
        --size_crops 224 96 \
        --nmb_crops 2 6 \
        --min_scale_crops 0.14 0.05 \
        --max_scale_crops 1. 0.14 \
        --use_fp16 true \
        --freeze_prototypes_niters 5005 \
        --queue_length 3840 \
        --epoch_queue_starts 15 \
        --dump_path ./ckpt \
        --sync_bn pytorch \
        --temperature 0.1 \
        --epsilon 0.05 \
        --sinkhorn_iterations 3 \
        --feat_dim 128 \
        --nmb_prototypes 3000 \
        --epochs 200 \
        --batch_size 64 \
        --wd 0.000001 \
        --arch efficientb0 \
        --pretrained /path/to/swav_800ep_pretrain.pth.tar 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log

For Tab6, Linear evaluation top-1 accuracy (%) on ImageNet with variants of teacher pre-training methods.

# SwAV
python3 -u -a resnet34 --lr 0.03 --batch-size 256 --moco-t 0.2 --aug-plus --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10043' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --mlp --cos --teacher_arch SWAVresnet50 --teacher /path/to/swav_800ep_pretrain.pth.tar /dev/shm 2>&1 | tee ./logs/std.log


cd DisCo
# Generate Embed
# Move Embed to data path

python -u


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