ConformalLayers: A non-linear sequential neural network with associative layers


ConformalLayers: A non-linear sequential neural network with associative layers

ConformalLayers is a conformal embedding of sequential layers of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that allows associativity between operations like convolution, average pooling, dropout, flattening, padding, dilation, and stride. Such embedding allows associativity between layers of CNNs, considerably reducing the amount of operations to perform inference in type of neural networks.

This repository is a implementation of ConformalLayers written in Python using Minkowski Engine and PyTorch as backend. This implementation is a first step into the usage of activation functions, like ReSPro, that can be represented as tensors, depending on the geometry model.

Please cite our SIBGRAPI'21 paper if you use this code in your research. The paper presents a complete description of the library:

  author    = {Sousa, Eduardo V. and Fernandes, Leandro A. F. and Vasconcelos, Cristina N.},
  title     = {{C}onformal{L}ayers: a non-linear sequential neural network with associative layers},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2021 34th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images},
  year      = {2021},

Please, let Eduardo Vera Sousa (, Leandro A. F. Fernandes ( and Cristina Nader Vasconcelos( know if you want to contribute to this project. Also, do not hesitate to contact them if you encounter any problems.


  1. Requirements
  2. How to Install ConformalLayers
  3. Running Examples
  4. Compiling and Running Unit Tests
  5. Documentation
  6. License

1. Requirements

Make sure that you have the following tools before attempting to use ConformalLayers.

Required tools:

Optional tool to use ConformalLayers:

  • Virtual enviroment to create an isolated workspace for a Python application.

  • Docker to create a container to run ConformalLayers

2. How to Install ConformalLayers

No magic needed here. Just run:

python install

3. Running Examples

The basic steps for running the examples of ConformalLayers look like this:

cd <ConformalLayers-dir>/Experiments/<experiment-name>

For Experiments I and II, each file refers to the experiment described on the main paper. Thus, in order to run BaseReSProNet with FashionMNIST dataset, for example, all you have to do is:

python --dataset=FashionMNIST

The values that can be used for the dataset argument are

  • FashionMNIST
  • CIFAR10

The loader of each dataset is described in Experiments/utils/ file.

Other arguments for the script files in Experiments I and II are:

  • epochs (int value)
  • batch_size (int value)
  • learning_rate (float value)
  • optimizer (adam or rmsprop)
  • dropout (float value)

For Experiments III and IV, since we compute the amount of memory used, we used an external file to orchestrate the calls and make sure we have a clean environment for the next iterations. Such orchestrator is writen on the files with the suffix

You can also run the files that corresponds to each architecture individually, without the orchestrator. To run D3ModNetCL architecture, for example, just run


The arguments for the non-orchestrated scripts in Experiments III and IV are:

  • num_inferences (int value)
  • batch_size (int value)
  • depth (int value, Experiment III only)

The files in networks folder contains the description of each architecture used in our experiments and presents the usage of the classes and methods of our library.

4. Running Unit Tests

The basic steps for running the unit tests of ConformalLayers look like this:

cd <ConformalLayers-dir>/tests

To run all tests, simply run


To run the tests for each module, run:

python test_<module_name>.py

5. Documentation

Here you find a brief description of the namespaces, macros, classes, functions, procedures, and operators available for the user. All methods are available with C++ and most of them with Python. The detailed documentation is not ready yet.



Here we present the main modules implemented in our framework. Most of the modules are used just like in PyTorch, so users with some background on this framework benefits from this implementation. For users not familiar with PyTorch, the usage still quite simple and intuitive.

Module Description
Conv1d, Conv2d, Conv3d, ConvNd Convolution operation implemented for n-D signals
AvgPool1d, AvgPool2d, AvgPool3d, AvgPoolNd Average pooling operation implemented for n-D signals
BaseActivation The abstract class for the activation function layer. To extend the library, one shall implement this class
ReSPro The layer that corresponds to the ReSPro activation function. Such function is a linear function with non-linear behavior that can be encoded as a tensor. The non-linearity of this function is controlled by a parameter α (passed as argument) that can be provided or inferred from the data
Regularization In this version, Dropout is only regularization available. In this approach, during the training phase, we randomly shut down some neurons with a probability p, passed as argument to this module

These modules are composed into ConformalLayers in a very similar way to the pure PyTorch-based way. The class ConformalLayers plays an important role in this task, as you can see by comparing the code snippets below:

# This one is built with pure PyTorch
import torch.nn as nn

class D3ModNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(D3ModNet, self).__init__()
        self.features = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3),
            nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2),
            nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3),
            nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2),
            nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3),
            nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2),
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(128, 10)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.features(x)
        x = x.view(x.shape[0], -1)
        x = self.fc1(x)
        return x
# This one is built with ConformalLayers
import torch.nn as nn
import ConformalLayers as cl

class D3ModNetCL(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(D3ModNetCL, self).__init__()
        self.features = cl.ConformalLayers(
            cl.Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3),
            cl.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2),
            cl.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3),
            cl.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2),
            cl.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3),
            cl.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2),
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(128, 10)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.features(x)
        x = x.view(x.shape[0], -1)
        x = self.fc1(x)
        return x

They look pretty much the same code, right? That's because we've implemented ConformalLayers to be a transition smoothest as possible to the PyTorch user. Most of the modules has almost the same method signatures of the ones provided by PyTorch.


The convolution operation implemented in ConformalLayers on the modules ConvNd, Conv1d, Conv2d and Conv3d is almost the same one implemented on PyTorch but we do not allow bias. This is mostly due to the construction of our logic when building the representation with tensors. Although we have a few ideas on how to include bias on this representation, they are not included in the current version. The parameters are detailed below and are originally available in PyTorch convolution documentation page. The exception here relies on the padding_mode parameter, that is always set to 'zeros' in our implementation.

  • in_channels (int) – Number of channels in the input image

  • out_channels (int) – Number of channels produced by the convolution

  • kernel_size (int or tuple) – Size of the convolving kernel

  • stride (int or tuple, optional) – Stride of the convolution. Default: 1

  • padding (int, tuple or str, optional) – Padding added to both sides of the input. Default: 0

  • dilation (int or tuple, optional) – Spacing between kernel elements. Default: 1

  • groups (int, optional) – Number of blocked connections from input channels to output channels. Default: 1


In our current implementation, we only support average pooling, which is implemented on modules AvgPoolNd, AvgPool1d, AvgPool2d and AvgPool3d. The parameters list, originally available in PyTorch average pooling documentation page, is described below:

  • kernel_size – the size of the window

  • stride – the stride of the window. Default value is kernel_size

  • padding – implicit zero padding to be added on both sides

  • ceil_mode – when True, will use ceil instead of floor to compute the output shape

  • count_include_pad – when True, will include the zero-padding in the averaging calculation


Our activation module has ReSPro activation function implemented natively. By using Reflections, Scalings and Projections on an hypersphere in higher dimensions, we created a non-linear differentiable associative activation function that can be represented in tensor form. It has only one parameter, that controls how close to linear or non-linear is the curve. More details are available on the main paper.

  • alpha (float, optional) - controls the non-linearity of the curve. If it is not provided, it's automatically estimated.


On regularization module we have Dropout implemented in this version. It is based on the idea of randomly shutting down some neurons in order to prevent overfitting. It takes only two parameters, listed below. This list was originally available in PyTorch documentation page.

  • p – probability of an element to be zeroed. Default: 0.5

  • inplace – If set to True, will do this operation in-place. Default: False

6. License

This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.

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