Make a surveillance camera from your raspberry pi!



Make a surveillance camera from your Raspberry Pi 4!

The surveillance is built as following: the camera records 10 seconds video and if a motion was detected - sends the video to telegram channel.

The timestamp is printed on videos, so it is better to set the correct time on your Raspberry Pi.

The motion detection works in the following way: the camera’s H.264 encoder calculates motion vector estimates while generating compressed video. Using these vectors we threshold them by --magnitude-th argument. If more than --vectors-quorum vectors thresholded - mark current frame as containing motion. If there are more than --detection-frames consecutive frames with motion - motion detected.

Tested on Raspberry Pi 4 (4 RAM) + NoIR Camera V2.


Install package

Install Python 3 requirements:

pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

Install provided .deb package:

sudo dpkg -i <path/to/downloaded/rpi-surveillance.deb>
sudo apt install -f

Note: the installation supposes that you already enabled camera module on your Raspberry Pi.

Create telegram bot and chat

  1. Write to @BotFather in telegram and create a bot:
<name of your bot>
<username of your bot>_bot

You will get the TOKEN. Save it for future use.

  1. Create a private channel where you will receive video sequences with motion.
  2. Add created bot to the channel (rerquires only "post messages" permission).
  3. Send message test to the channel.
  4. Run /usr/lib/rpi-surveillance/get_channel_id to get the CHANNEL_ID. Save it for future use.


To launch surveillance just run rpi-surveillance with your TOKEN and CHANNEL_ID, for example:

rpi-surveillance --token 1259140266:WAaqkMycra87ECzRZwa6Z_8T9KB4N-8OPI --channel-id -1003209177928

You can set various parameters of the surveillance:

usage: rpi-surveillance [-h] [--config CONFIG] --token TOKEN --channel-id
                        CHANNEL_ID [--temp-dir TEMP_DIR] [--log-file LOG_FILE]
                        [--resolution {640x480,1280x720,1920x1080}]
                        [--fps {25,30,60}] [--rotation {0,90,180,270}]
                        [--duration DURATION] [--magnitude-th MAGNITUDE_TH]
                        [--vectors-quorum VECTORS_QUORUM]
                        [--detection-frames DETECTION_FRAMES]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       Path to config file.
  --token TOKEN         Token for your telegram bot.
  --channel-id CHANNEL_ID
                        Telegram channel ID. If you don't have it please, send
                        a message to your channel and run /usr/lib/rpi-
                        surveillance/get_channel_id with your token.
  --temp-dir TEMP_DIR   Path to temporary directory for video saving before
                        sending to channel. Don't change it if you don't know
                        what you're doing.
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Path to log file for logging.
  --resolution {640x480,1280x720,1920x1080}
                        Camera resolution. Default - 640x480.
  --fps {25,30,60}      Frames per second. Default - 25.
  --rotation {0,90,180,270}
                        Frame rotation. Default - 0.
  --duration DURATION   Duration of videos in seconds. Default - 10.
  --magnitude-th MAGNITUDE_TH
                        Magnitude threshold for motion detection (lower - more
                        sensitive). Defaults: for 640x480 - 15, for 1280x720 -
                        40, for 1920x1080 - 65.
  --vectors-quorum VECTORS_QUORUM
                        Vectors quorum for motion detection (lower - more
                        sensitive). Defaults: for 640x480 - 10, for 1280x720 -
                        20, for 1920x1080 - 40.
  --detection-frames DETECTION_FRAMES
                        The number of consecutive frames with detected motion
                        to send an alert.


Build was done using dpkg-buildpackage.

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