DirectVoxGO reconstructs a scene representation from a set of calibrated images capturing the scene.



DirectVoxGO (Direct Voxel Grid Optimization, see our paper) reconstructs a scene representation from a set of calibrated images capturing the scene.

  • NeRF-comparable quality for synthesizing novel views from our scene representation.
  • Super-fast convergence: Our 15 mins/scene vs. NeRF's 10~20+ hrs/scene.
  • No cross-scene pre-training required: We optimize each scene from scratch.
  • Better rendering speed: Our <1 secs vs. NeRF's 29 secs to synthesize a 800x800 images.

Below run-times (mm:ss) of our optimization progress are measured on a machine with a single RTX 2080 Ti GPU.



  • 2021.11.23: Support CO3D dataset.
  • 2021.11.23: Initial release. Issue page is disabled for now. Feel free to contact [email protected] if you have any questions.


git clone [email protected]:sunset1995/DirectVoxGO.git
cd DirectVoxGO
pip install -r requirements.txt

Pytorch installation is machine dependent, please install the correct version for your machine. The tested version is pytorch 1.8.1 with python 3.7.4.

Dependencies (click to expand)
  • PyTorch, numpy: main computation.
  • scipy, lpips: SSIM and LPIPS evaluation.
  • tqdm: progress bar.
  • mmcv: config system.
  • opencv-python: image processing.
  • imageio, imageio-ffmpeg: images and videos I/O.

Download: datasets, trained models, and rendered test views

Directory structure for the datasets (click to expand; only list used files)
├── nerf_synthetic     # Link:
│   └── [chair|drums|ficus|hotdog|lego|materials|mic|ship]
│       ├── [train|val|test]
│       │   └── r_*.png
│       └── transforms_[train|val|test].json
├── Synthetic_NSVF     # Link:
│   └── [Bike|Lifestyle|Palace|Robot|Spaceship|Steamtrain|Toad|Wineholder]
│       ├── intrinsics.txt
│       ├── rgb
│       │   └── [0_train|1_val|2_test]_*.png
│       └── pose
│           └── [0_train|1_val|2_test]_*.txt
├── BlendedMVS         # Link:
│   └── [Character|Fountain|Jade|Statues]
│       ├── intrinsics.txt
│       ├── rgb
│       │   └── [0|1|2]_*.png
│       └── pose
│           └── [0|1|2]_*.txt
├── TanksAndTemple     # Link:
│   └── [Barn|Caterpillar|Family|Ignatius|Truck]
│       ├── intrinsics.txt
│       ├── rgb
│       │   └── [0|1|2]_*.png
│       └── pose
│           └── [0|1|2]_*.txt
├── deepvoxels     # Link:
│   └── [train|validation|test]
│       └── [armchair|cube|greek|vase]
│           ├── intrinsics.txt
│           ├── rgb/*.png
│           └── pose/*.txt
└── co3d               # Link:
    └── [donut|teddybear|umbrella|...]
        ├── frame_annotations.jgz
        ├── set_lists.json
        └── [129_14950_29917|189_20376_35616|...]
            ├── images
            │   └── frame*.jpg
            └── masks
                └── frame*.png

Synthetic-NeRF, Synthetic-NSVF, BlendedMVS, Tanks&Temples, DeepVoxels datasets

We use the datasets organized by NeRF, NSVF, and DeepVoxels. Download links:

Download all our trained models and rendered test views at this link to our logs.

CO3D dataset

We also support the recent Common Objects In 3D dataset. Our method only performs per-scene reconstruction and no cross-scene generalization.



To train lego scene and evaluate testset PSNR at the end of training, run:

$ python --config configs/nerf/ --render_test

Use --i_print and --i_weights to change the log interval.


To only evaluate the testset PSNR, SSIM, and LPIPS of the trained lego without re-training, run:

$ python --config configs/nerf/ --render_only --render_test \
                                              --eval_ssim --eval_lpips_vgg

Use --eval_lpips_alex to evaluate LPIPS with pre-trained Alex net instead of VGG net.


All config files to reproduce our results:

$ ls configs/*





Your own config files

Check the comments in configs/ for the configuable settings. The default values reproduce our main setup reported in our paper. We use mmcv's config system. To create a new config, please inherit configs/ first and then update the fields you want. Below is an example from configs/blendedmvs/

_base_ = '../'

expname = 'dvgo_Character'
basedir = './logs/blended_mvs'

data = dict(

Development and tuning guide

Extention to new dataset

Adjusting the data related config fields to fit your camera coordinate system is recommend before implementing a new one. We provide two visualization tools for debugging.

  1. Inspect the camera and the allocated BBox.
    • Export via --export_bbox_and_cams_only {filename}.npz:
      python --config configs/nerf/ --export_bbox_and_cams_only cam_mic.npz
    • Visualize the result:
      python tools/ cam_mic.npz
  2. Inspect the learned geometry after coarse optimization.
    • Export via --export_coarse_only {filename}.npz (assumed coarse_last.tar available in the train log):
      python --config configs/nerf/ --export_coarse_only coarse_mic.npz
    • Visualize the result:
      python tools/ coarse_mic.npz 0.001 --cam cam_mic.npz
Inspecting the cameras & BBox Inspecting the learned coarse volume

Speed and quality tradeoff

We have reported some ablation experiments in our paper supplementary material. Setting N_iters, N_rand, num_voxels, rgbnet_depth, rgbnet_width to larger values or setting stepsize to smaller values typically leads to better quality but need more computation. Only stepsize is tunable in testing phase, while all the other fields should remain the same as training.


The code base is origined from an awesome nerf-pytorch implementation, but it becomes very different from the code base now.

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