Converts given image (png, jpg, etc) to amogus gif.


Image to Amogus Converter

Converts given image (.png, .jpg, etc) to an amogus gif!


Place image in the /target/ folder (or anywhere realistically, assuming you can get its path). Next, type the following into the console:

$ python path [-size]

Where path is a required string relating to the path of the target image and -size is an optional parameter relating to the size of the outputted .gif (see -h for details).

$ python -h
usage: image_to_amogus [-h] [-size SIZE] path

positional arguments:
  path        Path to target image, where the /target/ folder is the current

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -size SIZE  Integer representing the size length of square images, and the
              length of the shortest side in rectangular images (16 by


Here's an example of the program run on the Girl with a Pearl Earring.

Girl with a Pearl Earring, unchanged.


$ python example.jpg
example_amogus.gif saved in ../output/ folder. So sussy! ඞ

Girl with a Pearl Earring, as a 16x16 amogus gif.

$ python example.jpg -size=8
example_amogus.gif saved in ../output/ folder. So sussy! ඞ

Girl with a Pearl Earring, as an 8x8 amogus gif.

$ python example.jpg -size=32
example_amogus.gif saved in ../output/ folder. So sussy! ඞ

Girl with a Pearl Earring, as a 32x32 amogus gif.

$ python example.jpg -size=64
example_amogus.gif saved in ../output/ folder. So sussy! ඞ

Girl with a Pearl Earring, as a 64x64 amogus gif.

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